92 - Va Bene

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I'm done with the bullshit. Sam invited me over for dinner tonight, and of course I accepted because my best friend and free food, but I don't want to talk to Mr LaRusso. He yelled at me and brought up something that had nothing to do with what I was saying, then made no attempt to apologize or make things right. It was yesterday. The wound is still as fresh as a just picked plantain. It'll be awkward as hell, but I don't want Mr LaRusso's shit to ruin Sam and I's friendship. Some of us know how to separate the different aspects of our lives and remain civil in spite of past wounds- even when 'past' is in reality less than 48 hours ago.

But I'm not tolerating Anthony's bullying of Kenny. It needs to stop. Mr LaRusso didn't listen. Mrs LaRusso didn't listen. I have to confront him directly. I'm not like Robby. I know that I won't do whatever it takes to win. But I'll do whatever it takes to protect my friends. Por Dios, I hate confrontation, but if it gets Anthony to leave Kenny alone then it'll be worth it. There he is. This is my chance, because I already set the table, so I'm within good graces, and Sam is upstairs taking a shower, so I don't have to worry about her interrupting.

"Anthony!" I say, walking up to him as he walks by, "can I talk to you for a second?"

He looks a little flustered, but smiles a little. He better wipe it off of his face real quick, because I'll smack it off of him if he doesn't. I wouldn't actually, but I have to seriously focus on not doing so.

"Y-yeah, sure," he responds.

"Buono," I say, scrunching my nose a little. I pull him off to the side, somewhere where I know Mr LaRusso won't overhear. My expression and mood change in an instant, the light air I had moments ago completely disappearing.

"Your dad may not believe me, but I know the truth," I say, tone dead serious, "stop bullying Kenny Payne, va bene?"

"He's a loser. He can't just come here and expect to fit in like the rest of us," Anthony says. He's lucky I stick to the Miyagi-Do philosophy, because he'd be sporting a broken nose otherwise.

"You say that because you're insecure about fitting in yourself, no?" I say in return, taking on an amused tone just to psych him out. It's a classic tale. I'm willing to bet that Anthony's friends are more malicious than he, and perhaps they pressure him into doing the things he does. I'd hope it's that way, rather than the other way around. But either way, he's a bully and it needs to stop. His face goes red. Caught him.

"N-no. I'm not insecure,"

"Mhm, sure sounds like it. I know what it's like to be bullied every day. It's not fun. You're not any better than he is and you'll do well to remember it," I say. Nobody's better than anyone in this situation. Though I am a little surprised that Kenny hasn't beaten up any of them. He did talk about wanting to though... Anthony better pray that Kenny listens to me...

"People bullied you?" Anthony asks, seeming taken aback. I was a prime target.

"People would shove me around. Call me names. Call me a loser. Say awful stuff about me until I gave in and did their homework for them just to get it all to stop for the day... stole my clothes..." I list off. He dodges my gaze at the last part. I know for an absolute fact that he did steal Kenny's clothes now. As if the clear evidence wasn't enough.

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