91 - Off Balance

497 23 4

"Mr LaRusso? Can I talk to you?" I ask, walking up to him once almost everyone has left. I need to tell him about Anthony bullying Kenny. He needs to know. I almost never told my dad about how I was getting bullied... I told René, and he helped, but it didn't stop. I also didn't have access to my bullies' parents. Here, there's something I can do to potentially help Kenny. I can't waste the opportunity.

"Yeah, sure," he says, seeming a little confused, but open to it as we step off to the side, "is everything okay?"

No. Everything is not okay. His son is bullying my hermanito. He's not gonna get away with it. I shake my head no.

"I know you're not gonna like this, but please hear me out... per favore..." I say, then take a deep breath, "Anthony is bullying a boy at school. He's called him names, pushed him around, filled his locker with milk so it spilled all over him when he opened it, and just yesterday, he and his friends stole of the poor kid's clothes. How else do you think Anthony ended up with a Cobra Kai hoodie?"

I did it! I said what I needed to say. Now I just need Mr LaRusso to respond-

"No... no no, Anthony said that he was holding it for a friend. He told me last evening that Cobra Kais have been messing with him. Is it just a coincidence that you're saying the exact opposite?" he says back. He doesn't believe me... why would I lie? I like Anthony just fine- or I did before I found out that he was a bully- but the bullying and harassment needs to stop.

"There's no coincidence. I heard what he said to you. Everything that he described are things that he has done to this boy," I say, "and I could tell he was lying. He's easy to read, just like you. You have to believe me, the kid joined Cobra Kai to protect himself from Anthony and his friends. He's just trying to keep himself from getting harassed at school everyday-"


"He flinches every time I say the name 'LaRusso', I-"

"Parker stop! Just stop!" Mr LaRusso exclaims, seeming fed up. I shrink back in shock and fear.

"I can't believe this. You accuse my son of bullying another student, a student that is a Cobra Kai? After everything we've all been through?! You already go to the Cobra Kai dojo, you're dating Robby, and now this?! Per carità, why can't you just focus on kata and sparring like your friends so we can win the tournament?!"

I feel my heart shatter, the pieces cutting deep into my skin, leaving me feeling almost numb. He really doesn't believe me... Kreese was right... he's just using me to win the All Valley... I'm just a pawn in this sick, sick game of chess... my posture straightens as tears prick at my eyes. He's never yelled at me like that before... and the way he's looking at me... I can't help but see my Pá as the tears blur my vision. It takes everything in my being to fight them back.

"His name is Kenny Payne. When Anthony gets caught, don't say I didn't tell you," I say, bitterness seeping into my voice like blood into cloth. I don't say another word. I don't look for but two moments longer. I just turn away, and leave.


I broke down in the car on the way to the auto dealership. I had to pull it together though, because I didn't want Mrs LaRusso to worry about me. I've been a mess here more times than I would have liked. I've been cleaning windows and mopping floors and washing and waxing cars like there's no tomorrow to try and avoid my own feelings about what Mr LaRusso said.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat