Part-72💓 𝒉𝒊𝒎

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Last second chapter here~~

(Namjin arrived earlier at the venue to check the preparations)

(Followed by them, Yoonmin also reach there Yoongi didn't ask the plan of Jin but he'll surely interject if it's not what he think)

(Hopekai reached there too-- all were wearing masks & were looking so hot!

(Jin greeted park min Young with a hug. They murmur something to each other and chuckle)

(Jin welcome the guest and later saw Jungkook also arrived his expression was displeased)

Min young: "Woah! Jungkook! You are looking so handsome today! Seems like you are the one who's getting engaged! Haha!"

(Jungkook was too distracted to notice what Min Young said)

Jin: "Look here they are!"

(Jungkook's eyes darted towards the main entrance gate. His eyes stuck at Taehyung--and there Jungkook lost.

He was wearing silk shirt with tight, black pants.

His collarbone and curve was on display.

His hair was dyed in blonde color and he was wearing eye lenses- a full course meal, that's what Jungkook mumbled to himself.

He was wearing an amazing mask. Jungkook's drooling thought got interrupted by Seojoon's voice. His attention then went to his daughter who was wearing green-purple colored frock. She was looking so adorable--a smile creep on Jungkook's face)

(After greeting the hyungs Taehyung's eyes reached at Jungkook. And both of their's smiles fade away. They didn't look away- they kept on staring at each other.

One with pleading yet challenging eyes whereas the other's with hesitant yet assuring.

Taehyung was pleading as well as challenging Jungkook to do what he said to make him, his.

Jungkook's eyes were hesitant to take any step yet assuring that he'll do something to make him, his.)

(Seojoon announced that they should start the ceremony with a dance. Couples travel to the center of the venue. The song play and everyone start swaying on the soft beats.

It was Namjoon who ask Taehyung for a dance and Taehyung gladly agreed. Taehyung giggle at Namjoon because his brother was too bad at dancing. Pecking Taehyung's forehead, Namjoon twirl Taehyung to Yoongi

Yoongi took Taehyung's hands in his and start swaying.

Yoongi: "Surprisingly someone didn't faint seeing you."

Taehyung smiled confusingly.

(Yoongi spin Taehyung, Taehyung reach to Hoseok who gave his bright smile.

Hoseok: "This is gonna be a new phase of your life. Have a happy and healthy moments ahead."

Hoseok wish and Taehyung smile sadly.

Now Taehyung was dancing with Jimin.

Jimin: "So happy for you Tae"

Taehyung: "But I am not, Chim. I don't want this" (Jimin just smile and hug Taehyung for few moments before twirling him to Jin.)

Taehyung: "Hyung ie~"

Jin: "Yes my baby."

Taehyung: "A-am I really g-getting engaged to some someone else who isn't Jungkook?" (Taehyung pucker his lips, tried hard not to let tears fell from his teary eyes.)

Jin: "Tae, what ever happens, happen for a reason. Mostly for good reasons. You're getting engaged to the person who loves you, respects you and will take care of you. I'm so sure about my decision you're gonna be the happiest with him. God bless you my baby." (Jin kissed Taehyung's forehead--tears slid from Taehyung's eyes.)

(Taehyung understand what Jin meant he mean to say that he's letting Taehyung engaged to Seojoon because he loves him, and Taehyung will be happy with him.

Taehyung: "Only if you knew, hyung." (Taehyung mumble to himself.)

But the thing was that Only if Taehyung knew.

(Jin spin Taehyung to Seojoon.
Seojoon, not forgetting his limits-hold Taehyung's waist, keeping enough distance)

Seojoon: "Taehyung, I love you so much, but just as a friend. There's someone who loves you more than anyone, who deserve you, your love, Who loves you more than himself, No matter how distant you too were- but you two were meant to be. See now in few moments, you are gonna be together. You, him and Jungmee are gonna be together. You gave him a chance and he meet your expectations. No one I repeat no one's going to love you like he does. He was willing to leave just because of your happiness. Tae, he isn't insecure but he's afraid to hurt you again. He loves you. Ok." (And Taehyung's hands went cold, his heart start thudding and tears start falling his eyes-- he knows)


My personal favorite chapter🌹
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