3 Lifetime Shock

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Part 3 Lifetime shock

Akash went to the shopping mall and started enquiring at every shop about Khushi. He checked the CCTV camera footage too. Arnav was keenly watching the footage.

"Stop..." he shouted when he saw Khushi on the screen.

Akash looked at him.

"Khushi..." Arnav touched the screen murmuring her name emotionally.

She picked a few BABY foods in the clip. Akash asked the operator to zoom her photo and called the shop owner.

"Did you know the girl?"

"No, sir... I don't know her"

"Didn't she come here before?"

"I have no idea, sir. Many people visit my shop every day. how can I remember everyone?"

"Do you get your customer's number?"

"No Sir, only the Spice shop of this mall gets the customer's number"

"Where is the shop?"

"It's on the second floor, sir"

Taking Khushi's photo print, they went to the Spice shop. They showed Khushi's photo to the shop owner of the Spice shop.

"Did she come to your shop?" Akash asked.

"No, sir... she didn't come to my shop. But I saw her going, crossing my shop."

Akash looked at Arnav who rolled his eyes annoyingly.

"Don't worry Arnav. Khushi is in Mumbai. We will find her, however"

Arnav walked with disappointment.

"Where are you staying?"

"Taj... I came here for a conference. They allotted me a room in the Taj hotel"

"Ok, do one thing. Check out your room and come to my home"

"No no no... I will manage"

"No way, you are coming with me and that's final. Come with me"

Akash forcefully took Arnav to the Taj hotel to vacate the room.


Aman was roaming in his room after knowing that, Arnav could not reach Khushi. He squeezed his brain to get an idea to help Arnav. Suddenly, something clicked in his mind. He remembered his cousin NK. Aman and NK were close friends more than relatives. They often visited one another's place and also every year vacations.

Aman dialed NK who resided in Mumbai. NK attended the call.

"Hi, Aman... how are you doing man?"

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"Doing great with my business"

"Great... don't you have any idea to visit Delhi?"

"I can also ask you the same question, man. After you got a job in so and so company, you have stopped even calling me. You are not even responding to my messages... what so busy, man? Even the American President won't be busy like you" NK said annoyingly.

"Yeah... my company and its reputation are big. Being its manager, how can I be leisure?"

"Then what made you remember me all of a sudden? How did you get time to talk to me...?"

"I need your help... It's very urgent and very important"

"What help?"

"My Boss who is also my friend came to Mumbai. He is in the need of your help. Please give your helping hand to him, NK"

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