3 Khushi

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Part 3 Khushi

Nani was standing with wide-open eyes. No words to define how shocked she was. The saint himself gave a sudden entry and told her something horrible. He gave her some hints about her daughter's murder too. He said the very next day she would understand why he told everything all of a sudden. And today, he was no more.

Was this why he told her everything the previous day? Would he know he won't be alive the next day? But, what made him tell her everything? What made him give her a hint? What made him think of helping her? Hey Devi Maiya... She would have gotten cleared of many things from him if she had known he won't be alive today. There were many things to get cleared. Nani cursed herself for not trusting him.

Something kicked her mind. Was everything he told true? Was her family member the one who targeted Arnav and killed Ratna? She could not tolerate the truth that there was a black sheep in her family. How could she sleep peacefully after knowing that there was an assassin in her family?

Was Ratna's soul still saving Arnav's life? But the saint said she was controlled. Then, how was she saving him? Who controlled her soul? Why could not she feel Ratna's soul's presence around her? How could she feel her if Arnav himself was not feeling it? She supposed. Yes, it was strange how Arnav didn't feel his mother's presence. She didn't get anything.

She felt a shiver running down her spine. She didn't know how to withstand the situation. The only person she could talk to about it was Arnav but he won't believe such things. In case he believes it, he would make RM upside down. He would break down. The only solace he had after Ratna's demise was this family. How could she ruin that? What if Arnav stopped coming home? Or, what if he found another source like getting committed to a random girl? What could she do now? That was when the saint's words echoed in her ear. Didn't he ask her to visit her Kuldevi temple? What if she got the answer to her question there? Nani finally concluded visiting her Kuldevi temple in Lucknow.


Nani wanted to talk to Arnav about her Lucknow visit. She didn't feel to share it with anyone else. She came to his room as HP informed her about Arnav's arrival. She saw Arnav staring at the particular Rose plant in which there were no leaves. Arnav looked at Nani who touched his shoulder.


"Why not you just throw this plant away, Chotte?"

Arnav gulped down hard.

"Its stems are still green Nani"

"It's a miracle this plant is still green..." Nani sighed.

Yes, it was another miracle of RM. Ratna planted the Rose plant before her death. After that, the plant dropped its leaves but didn't get dried. In these years, Arnav gave his best to maintain the plant by fertilizing and watering it. But no use. Neither it germinated nor did it get dried.

"Do you want to say something?"

"I would like to go to Lucknow"

"Lucknow? Why all of a sudden? Anything particular?"

"Just feel to visit our Kuldevi Temple. It's been so long since I visited the temple"

"With whom are you going?"

"I'm going alone"

"Alone? Why Nani?"

"I think of staying there for a few days. No one will be fine with my decision. That's why"

"Mmm... Ok, take Mohan with you."

"Ok, Chotte..."

"When are you going?"

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