77 Guesses all over

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Part 77 Guesses all over

Arnav was horrified and looked at the surroundings. he saw a man with a CATAPULT leaving the place on his motorbike... the same man who gave them tea. Yes, he was Sona's son Harsha. He killed his father unaware of the truth. He just came close to them to know what they talking about. When he heard the man saying about their family to Arnav, he decided to finish him. He just didn't want Arnav to know the truth about Maya. He arrowed a little long needle on his larynx using a catapult to stop his talks forever.

The constables who were guarding Paramveer ran behind Harsha but he was so fast. He left the place in a blink of an eye. Arnav's security crew head Rajesh also followed him and stood panting hard, disappointedly.

A man who came to the police station for a random case captured the lifeless Paramveer on his mobile and posted it on social media with the caption, *A MAN MURDERED IN THE POLICE STATION IN THE DAYLIGHT*

The constables shouted at him.

"Hey, man... go away... go..."

The man left the place coolly as he already posted it on Facebook.

The police station premises became feverish. The inspector and the other police were rushed out. They were shocked to see Paramveer's lifeless body.

"Who was that, sir?" the inspector asked Arnav.

"I don't know," Arnav said perplexed.

"Have you ever seen him before?"

Arnav nodded no. The security crew head Rajesh came to Arnav.

"Sir, this is his bike number" he gave a chit.

"Did you note it down?"

"Yes, sir, I ran behind him to catch him but I could not. I noted his bike number"

The inspector took the chit from his hand.

"Which side did he go?"

"Left-hand side... towards the railway station"

The inspector ran inside and called the control room.

"This is Inspector Kunal. A man escaped murdering a witness in our station. He is going towards the railway station. His bike number is...DL 53 JK 6389"


Kunal disconnected the call and came out.

"It seems this is a severe issue..."

Arnav nodded yes.

"What Paramveer was talking about?"

"He said how he was framed in a drug case by his wife and her family"

"I think the man who attacked Paramveer also belongs to the same family"

Arnav nodded yes as he did not doubt that.

"They killed a man in the police station. We will not leave this easily. The Police will soon find their whereabouts. They will get caught" the inspector said.


"You too be careful sir" He warned Arnav.


"Thank God, they didn't think of killing you" the inspector sighed.

"No, sir... as of now, they want to stop Paramveer from stop talking more. They didn't want him to reveal about them. They could have killed me but Paramveer will tell the truth to you and my family. They didn't want it to happen. That's why they killed him leaving me behind" Arnav said.

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