41 The Danger

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Part 41 The Danger

"Don't listen to anyone's words. Do what your heart says" The Guruji added.

"I thought you would be a Black Magician but you look like a saint," Arnav said.

"Nowadays, skillful black Magicians, as well as true Saints, became RARE. No one does black magic skillfully. Only experts can do it perfectly. Only they can make it work. I'm completely against black magic. Those who trust God will not take the black magic path. It will destroy the person who prefers it"

"You mean it will return back to those who use it to destroy others?"

"Exactly... they will taste the fruit of their own action"

"You said skillful black magicians became rare. Do you know anyone who does that skillfully?"

The Guruji smiled.

"What do you do knowing that?"

"We can get to know who is doing that against me through them"

"They won't say... it's against their ethics. And about your question, there is no such skillful black magician in Delhi. So, just forget it"

Arnav frowned.

"Why do you talk about them with disinterest?"

"Because it will give you a problem. Now, this is the problem between you and someone... if you dig more, it will hurt the black magician's ego who helped your enemy. He may get into it directly. It will affect you and your mother's soul. So, just leave it. Go home safely... don't take the same path which you used to come here... there are two routes to Delhi from here. I hope you know that"

Arnav nodded yes.

"Don't stop the car anywhere."

"ok... Do you want me to keep this rope hidden?" Arnav asked, pointing to the rope in his hand.

"No need... however it will be revealed..."

Arnav stood up. He removed his purse and removed a bunch of money. He kept it in the feet of Durga Matha.

"Please use this money for your spiritual usage..." he said.

Guruji gave a slight nod.

"Thank you for your help"

"Thank the Goddess... for sending an Angel to your life"

Arnav nodded yes and was about to leave, he stopped. He bent down to the feet of Durga Matha. Taking the vermillion that had been applied to her feet, he applied it to his forehead. That brought a smile to Guruji's face. Arnav left the place thinking about Guruji's words.

*Don't react but act wisely... Keep silent and observe people... then act accordingly. Don't give clues to anyone... Think before trusting anyone. Your marriage will happen ONLY if you give your best to it. People won't let it happen because they knew who is your strength*

Arnav saw Aman on call. He disconnected the call hurriedly, seeing Arnav. Arnav didn't know how much he could trust Aman because he didn't know why Guruji stopped him outside. He decided to act accordingly.

"ASR, is everything all right? What did he say?"

Arnav took a long breath.

"He said nothing" he walked towards the exit.

"Then, what took you so long?"

"He got to know it was not me for whom he was waiting. I tried to ask him about the doll but he was so stubborn."

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