🌈New Job?🌈

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Meanings rq:
•Y/n = Your Name
•L/n = Last name
•E/c = Eye color
•H/c = Hair color

•The towns rainbows are made from Rainbow Factory not it's huge original process yk?? -

Okay BYE!

**Y/N POV**

"I need a job.. Really bad." As I scrolled through possible job applications I saw one that caught my attention with a very decent salary. "Rainbow Factory? Isn't that the factory nobody not employed has ever seen the inside of?" *It's very well known so I doubt I'd have a chance.. There's probably a lot of people applying just so they can see the inside, would I even have a chance?* I thought to myself deeply but once I looked down- **HOLY SH-** "90k!? That's such a high salary. I have to try!" I signed up for the job, trying my hardest to be perfect with my description. With that salary I'd feel set!


A few hours after sending in my application I felt extremely tired, I could almost just pass out! "I think I should head to bed.. " I told myself out loud. I walked over to my kitchen, pouring myself a quick glass of water, then walking to my room and gently setting it up to my nightstand. Laying down I looked up at the ceiling and thought about the chances of getting that job. *An assistant huh? Of THE Rainbow Factory. Imagine the luck of seeing how our towns rainbows are made?* I sighed before turning to my side, slowly drifting off to sleep.

~The Next Morning~

I heard my phones alarm go off, I looked at my phone, turning off the alarm, I threw my phone on the floor angrily before trying to fall asleep again. Until I heard a ding from my computer. I lazily sat up and stared at my computer. Until it clicked. "THE JOB APPLICATION! " I rushed over to my computer, turning it on and looking at my messages, I spotted the most recent notification from Rainbow Factory. I squealed so loud. *I already got a job?! * Skimming through the paragraphs in the message I got these few facts;
-I have to sign multiple contracts upon first arrival.
-I have a lab jacket that will arrive to my house in a few days.
-I will have my own office.
I basically ignored all the rest, I was too excited to read all of the rest, who wouldn't be? "I need to show up... TODAY?! 8PM? Oh god I need to get ready. " checking the time, it was 11am. Damn, I slept late.

I quickly got my car keys and hopped into my car, quickly driving to the nearest store. Once I had arrived I skimmed through formal clothings, something decent to wear on my first appearance. I found a beautiful dress that stuck out to me. The look, the way it was made and the way it felt was mesmerizing, this was the one. "Now... I pair of shoes, maybe I should get accessories as well? I'll think about it.. "

(PHOTO OF THE DRESS) Photo is not mine!

(This dress goes with any body type don't worry if the photo only shows skinny people, you'll look beautiful in it no matter what loves xx)

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(This dress goes with any body type don't worry if the photo only shows skinny people, you'll look beautiful in it no matter what loves xx)

Quickly making my way over to the shoe aisle I picked up the best pair of shoes to match the dress. "These are perfect! "

After I found my pair of shoes I looked around for possible accessories to add to my look, just for funsies right?

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After I found my pair of shoes I looked around for possible accessories to add to my look, just for funsies right?

Choose whatever you want!

Smiling looking at all of my items I happily walked over towards the checkout, making small talk with the cashier as I watched the items get scanned

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Smiling looking at all of my items I happily walked over towards the checkout, making small talk with the cashier as I watched the items get scanned. "Have a nice day. " I heard the cashier, I waved goodbye and walked out to my car. Checking the time once more. *3pm.. I really need to stop taking so long in stores, and I was in a rush this time!* I decided I would have enough time to eat before making my way over to the factory. I drove towards my house.


I checked the time... 7:38PM!? I hitched my breath, basically shocked at how long I was eating for. "Okay.. ". I got dressed up in my clothes and got in my car, ONCE MORE. I've never drove so rough in my life, was it even legal to go this speed.. Probably? Anyways, I made it to the factory, I pulled in, speed walking to the doors, trying to not trip in my heels. I made my way up to the first person I saw, and asked where I could find the person I was assisting. They looked a bit worried at the word assistant but pointed up to the 2nd floor and told me it'll have a sign that says " Bosses Office". "Thank you! " I grinned at the employee and he mumbled the few words, "Good luck.. -". That was a bit worrisome.. But I can't fret about it right now. I entered an elevator to the 2nd floor, walking towards a hallway with a door at the very end, it read " Bosses Office" . I sighed before knocking. I waited for a few seconds until I heard "Come in. " The voice was deep and low but not terribly bad. I put my hand on the door knob, I noticed how shaky I was. I entered and saw the man. Tall... Really tall..about 6'4. Dark blue messy hair in a pompadour with a lab coat on.. Covered it quite pretty colors.

"Sit down Y/n."


**940 words!! Anyways I hope this was good, I'll be making another chapter soon! **

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