🌈Chapter 44🌈

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I looked over to the creature.

"Hell if you think you're getting what you want. You pathetic bitch! I'll grind you and make everyone watch you die." I stood up straight and turne to face the creature. Its eye twitched at me,irritated.

"I'll get my revenge. Look what you've turned me into." I turned to face Y/N, they looked as shocked as I was when I realized they said that.

"What?" Y/N asked themselves.

"You will all burn and bleed out in this factory like you should've years ago." Y/N's voice sounded deeper when they'd speak. Scratchy even.

That's not Y/N talking is it?

"Y/N what are you saying?!" Julie's voice rose up from behind me. She was peeking over from the side of me watching the scene unfold.

"I-I don't know! I don't mean to say these things! I don't mean it!" Y/N grabbed their face, confused and worried they looked over for the creature with pleading eyes.

"Please oh God, stop whatever you're doing!" Tears appeared in th corner of their eyes as they started to silently cry with a few sniffles here and there.


"I-I can't watch this." Julie mumbled quietly.

"I simply want you all dead. Serve me and I will spare you. Doesn't that sound fair? " The creature spoke through Y/Ns voice, only making them more frantic. I had no idea what to say or do. The creature then eyed me. Standing still for a moment before it pounced at me, giving an ear-piercing scream as it gripped tightly onto my lab coat.

I couldn't process what was happening until I was slammed into the wall by it. I grabbed it's arms and tried to pry it off of me to no avail.

I was struggling to not let it basically bite my face off until something or someone tackled it towards the side infront of Y/N.

Me and Y/N watched in absolute horror as Julie was ontop of the creature. Poppy squawked I distress in the background and was being held back by Howdy's 4 arms so she wouldn't get herself hurt trying to help us.

"Julie! What the fuck are you doing?!" I screamed, I walked up to her but she yelled at me to back away.


Y/N and I didn't say a word after that, we just watched Julie and the creature fight for their live with each other, barely missing each other with fatal hits.

Julie reach into her pocket with one hand, the creature used that to take it's claw to her chest, raising it

Letting the sound of cutting flesh(felt/fabric??) ring in our ears. The same sound when Y/N was stabbed but we could hear the bone scratching. The painful scream Julie let out before taking a pen out of her pocket and being slammed into the floor by the creature.

Without wasting a second, Julie stabbed her pen into its eyes repeatedly, a hoarse help from the creature with every stab. She continued to stab it with no mercy, stabbing and stabbing until it stopped moving, it's black blood leaving a puddle around it and splotches of it covered her clothes an face along with her own blood covering her.

Julie stumbled up and stood, Y/N quickly shot up and grabbed onto Julie so she wouldn't fall.

"Don't bother... Y/N." Julie croaked.

"Julie?! Why did you do that?!" me and Y/N spoke I unison as I ran up to them, lightly holding onto her shoulders to keep her balance.


You have a reason to keep going."

She stopped between sentences, trying to keep her breath going.

"You have Y/N..but ever since we lost Ophelia I couldn't find any excuse to live. It's a miracle I made it this far."

She went from breathing to gasping, and coughing blood up, I let it cover my lab coat as I simply overlooked it as Y/N hugged Julie, sobbing loudly now.

"Fuck no... Julie we can help you! Let me go to Poppy!"

"It's pointless Walden."

"I'm just happy--I can go out letting you live your life with someone who can fix you. Just like I always wished someone could fix me." she sighed; then collapsing on the floor.

Her eyes we're half-lidded but no life could be seen in them. Y/N begun hyperventilating, as Poppy and Howdy and Barnaby raced into the room, checking her pulse and finding nothing left. Everyone started to freak out while all I could do was stand there in shock. I felt my heart beat, no, I heard every beat throughout my body as everything seemed to go silent.

I just let Julie die. She was a friend to Y/N, to Sally, to everyone.

Why didn't I sacrifice myself.

"You have a reason to keep going."

She was right about that too. She was always right. Y/N was here and now I have to protect them, Julie sacrificed herself for us. I can't let it go to waste.

"Everybody, tell Sally to ready the group for a proper goodbye to Julie." I ordered Y/N to help me carry her. As I closely looked at Y/N I notice the black blood that oozed a little from their marks turn back to red. I felt relieved that Y/N was safe... Now. But now we have something else to handle.

922 words

I always see stories make Julie the bad guy so give her some respect. She died for y'all 😩

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