🌈Chapter 24🌈

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It was the next day, I was getting ready for the usual routine, heading up to Wally's office with coffee after chatting with Eddie and Frank. Though when I entered, he was dressed up s bit differently. Formally, but in a full black outfit.

"What's the special occasion?" I handed him his coffee.

"I'm going to Julie about the divorce." He sounded both bother and unbothered at the same time, I was confused.

"Oh..right. Sorry about that."

"It's fine. You'll have to take over for something today while I'm gone, I'll be returning late."

"What is it?" Wally handed me a few papers, some with words and other with pictures.

"We're working on a serum and you'll have to help test out what we have so far, I hope that won't be a problem? It shouldn't be dangerous."

I nodded, waving him goodbye and leaving.

The papers say testing starts at 11am.

I checked my phone, '10:38". I had some time to read through the papers.

I made my way down to the testing labs and seated myself to read through the papers.

They all explained the subject being tested on, what to expect, and what the serums purpose was.

"Healing?" The point of the serum was to hopefully heal an extremely sick subject.

I guess that's something good to be working on. I set the papers aside as scientists began to gather into the same room.

Once I counted 9 scientists I stood in front of all of them.

"I'll be assisting with today's experiment." They all nodded. Two scientists told everyone to follow them to the cell, showing a test subject whom looked extremely pale. It wasn't as active as most were.

I walked towards the looked entrance asking it to be unlocked and for 3 scientists to follow me, just to be safe.

Once the entrance was unlocked, I was handed the serum in a small syringe. It was a small mix of green and I think yellow? It was somewhat pretty to look at.

I walked slowly towards the subject, it  didn't fight but it looked at me with pure hatred and terror.

I reassured it as I injected the serum and exited quickly behind the 3 scientists.

We watched slowly, it seemed weak and confused for multiple slow and quiet minutes.

It took more time for us to realize but the subject started to stand up, moving it's limbs around as if adjusting to being able to move.

I told the group to write this down as it seemed to be working well.

The subject walked slowly to the window we were watching from, trying to keep steady. Once it was right in front of us, it had just stood there staring at us.

~timeskip~(yah nothing special happened)

It was around 9 and I was signing off my last documents when my office door opened.

"I'm here now. If I missed any work let me know."

"Wait wait WAIT!"

I stood up from my chair, turned off my computer and ran up to Wally.

"Don't worry about work right now, you look exhausted."

"I am but work is more important, thank you for caring though."

A bit frustrated I gripped into Wally's wrist.

"Follow me." Without really giving Wally a choice I marched all the way to the dormitories, making way to his which was extremely close to mine.

I let go of his wrist and watched him intently. "You should go rest, if you're tired then you'll mess up work."

The best way to reason with Wally was his work. He sighed.


"No buts. I'll be in my dorm, if I hear you even try to leave I'll smash your computers with my bare fists."

He smirked lightly at my feisty remarks and entered the dorm.

"Good, night Wally."

I left him to be and went into my dorm.

I yawned and prepared myself to sleep.

659 words

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