🌈Chapter 21🌈

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Today went on the same as yesterday, not much happening but Wally avoiding me. His odd actions make me all the more curious about what will be happening.

~timeskip cuz why not!!~

The end of the day had finally arrived. It was 5 more minutes before I would walk to his office.

I clicked my pen repeatedly, unable to stand still, full of curiosity and anticipation.

Many questions raided my head, what could he want? Am I in trouble? Is he mad at me? Why was he avoiding me before?

I looked up at the clock. One minute. I should leave.

I grabbed my phone and all necessary belongings and left my office. I felt my hands shaking as I raised one to turn the door knob. I felt a cold shiver run down my spine when I slowly creaked the door open.

Before I could even walk in the room completely he quickly issued for me to sit down. So I walked right over and sat.

"I want to keep this between us." He muttered.


"I hate being er- soft. I don't know why I feel I can open up to you but I feel that way and can't change it.

I didn't respond, more of I couldn't think of what to say. He trusts me? THE WALDEN? It felt like a joke, maybe it's just a bad joke, otherwise it wouldn't make sense.


Was I really about to say what I was? I swallowed my breath for a moment before speaking again.

" I have these feelings... I cannot perfectly describe them but I just.. Feel differently around you than I do anyone."

I took a big breath.

"You're soft-hearted when compared to the other people in this factory, and that's.. Genuinely comforting. Forgive me if I'm being weird but you have had a big impact on me during your time here. And about this.."

I pulled out the necklace that hid in my shirt, the nice colors glistening against the sunsets reflection. They darted their eyes towards the necklace, basically dismissing what I said for a second they smiled.

"So.. You liked it?" They seemed nervous but genuinely happy, I only nodded.

"I don't know what to say." Their smile faded quickly, they looked up at me sheepishly.

"I'm sorry to burden you with these words so quickly." A big disappointed, I knew I should get the real words out before it was too late.

"Y/n, I cannot hide it for much longer. I- like you. No,

I love you."

My heart raced, I felt stupid for saying it.

"I have to go." Y/n quickly ran out of my office not saying any other words leaving me to my own thoughts.

I rubbed my temples,

"God dammit, what the FUCK is wrong with me?!" I clenched my fist and slammed the table, I would have to deal with this for so long, at least until they were out of the factory. If they ever left. From now own I would have this feeling haunting me.

Maybe I should've just stayed silent, this is why I shouldn't open up to anyone.

531 words

Ngl this one is probably really confusing but whatever 😭

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