🌈Chapter 5🌈

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**3RD POV**

It had been a few weeks at your job and it has been... Something else. Always being called down by Wally, employees often messing up, Wally constantly yelling at workers.

Today was the day Wally showed you how they get colors.

You were handed a seperate phone purchased by the Rainbow Factory company , made just for your job. Speaking of such, you felt your work phone vibrate, checking to see a message by your Boss.

; "Come meet me in my office, today you are going to have to withhold a lot of information. Come no later than 5 minutes.
-Walden Darling"

Filled with curiousity and a tad bit of excitement you speed walk to Wally's office, knocking thrice.

"You may enter."

Opening the door quickly, you approach Wally trying to contain the excitement by forcing yourself to not smile biting your lip.

"Follow me Assistant."

Wally stood up, signaling you to follow him, so you did of course. He lead you to an entire quite the distance from his and your office. Everything you passed you already recognized until he brought you to one room.

Then you saw it.

The bodies of multiple people.

No color to them, you felt nauseous just thinking about it.

Taken back completely, your eyes widened, your mouth opened slightly trying to find something to say.

Wally on the other hand didn't seem to have a reaction to you or the bodies in front of him.

"There is more." Wally seemed annoyed, as if he was bothered by the fact you were shocked?

" ***WHAT THE FU-*** "

Your screaming was quickly muffled by Wally placing a hand over your mouth.

"You're being annoyingly loud. Complain when we're done. But don't forget you signed a contract to keep all this information private."

Wally had a stern look as he said the last sentence. Is this even legal? How does this make sense. How does this work at all.

So many questions raced through your head as Wally brought you to the labs, with multiple subjects and chemicals visible just at first glance.

Seeing what the experiments *really* were, your breath got stuck in your throat. Filled with both fear and disgust.

Angered at the fact everyone you met here are literal psychopaths.


Wally is. Who else would actually agree to do this other than the fact they signed a contract..

"I need to talk to you Y/n."

Coming out of your train of thought once Wally had used your real name, you just frowned and faced him to listen.

"Everything here is confidential. It all serves a great purpose, alright? I don't want to see you trying to ruin it all because you're **so** soft-hearted. Try to and you'll go in the grinder that I'm positive you've seen already."

**YN POV**


Screaming every word that came to mind at Wally, I noticed how he never once had a face of regret. Just annoyance.

Knowing I can't do anything other than just scream, I clenched my fists tightly and walked away. My hands were sweaty, I was mortified, was I really stuck working here, would I have to kill people?!

Many thoughts appeared in my head as I entered my office and sat down in, my chair. All I could manage myself to do is stare at the wall. Which I did, until I heard my door open. Quickly turning to face who it was, I felt enraged just noticing it was Wally.

"Look Y/n, I know this is a lot to take in for the first time but please understand, as I said, it's all confidential."


I couldn't form an actual sentence, can't he just leave?! What does he need from me.

"You gonna throw *me* in the grinder now?"

Wally scoffed at my attitude before exclaiming,

"That isn't a way to treat your boss, keep up with it and I just fucking might."


I don't feel like dying today so I stayed quiet and just looked down at my desk and the unfinished papers on it.

Shortly after I heard footsteps but just ignored them until I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, looking up to see Wally.

"I'm sure you're angered, scared and confused so I'll leave you alone but I promise showing you that was for the better."

He walked away as I sat there in silence, does he expect me to just be okay with it? I hope not or he's gonna have something coming his way.

I sighed as I forcefully hit my head on my desk, trying to force the images of literal bodies out of my mind.


789 words

  Wrote this on the bus, sorry it sucks I just need to work my way up to being good at angst as well as having Y/n become aware of what goes on in the factory :')

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