🌈Chapter 41🌈

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I held tightly onto Y/N, barely able to hold on as they fought back like some psychopath.

"Y-Y/N calm the hell down!" Barnaby yelled a little at Y/N and ordered me to help hold them onto the ground until they calmed down. We held them down a little and waited for what felt like forever until they calmed down—kinda...

Y/N was breathing heavily as tears ran down their cheeks, their eyes scattered across the room , they didn't speak or say anything but they just looked around as if looking for something— or someone. Walden came towards us, a small limp as he walked on his legs due to pretty much collapsing in the floor. Y/N saw him immediately and looked confused.

"Boss! Boss! What is happening?!" Y/N looked terrified, confused; and just like they we're experiencing too many emotions to understand.

"Is that a real question?!" Wally's voice was a dead giveaway to how absolutely pissed he was. He looked down at Y/N and he sighed as he shooed me and Barnaby away.


I wasn't sure what was happening and I wasn't sure if Y/N knew too. I couldn't help how irritated I was. So I picked up Y/N and carried them with their upper body over my shoulder, I placed them on the bed they were supposed to be on. "I am going to have to restrain you okay? I can't risk it with this fucking..outburst you had. You could've broken my leg." My voice was laced with exaggeration as I sighed and bounded Y/N's stomach and legs to chains, not making it tight but not loose enough for them to roam free.

"What happened? You never answered the question y'know.." I looked up to Y/N's face as they said that.

"Well first of all, you were unconscious then going batshit in the matter of seconds. You tried to release that monster," I pointed to the monster. It was no longer responsive, which went unnoticed by me at the time as I was never much focused on it in the first place. Y/N is my thought process now. "Then, you fucking kicked me in the leg and freaked out when Barnaby and Sally tried to get you to calm down. Then as soon as your eyes locked on me you started to act as innocent as you're being now. Listen, this is incredibly frustrating and I don't know how to deal with this so I need you to chill out. Do I make myself clear?"

"C-Crystal...my apologies Boss." The way Y/N was talking in a genuine confused manner to shying away at my words made me feel a bit guilty; but this is serious. Y/N could be dangerously in trouble.

I remembered the blood samples that should still be on the tray and I walked towards them, picking up both syringes labeled "Subject 01011001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101110 01100001 01101101 01100101 ."

((Its Binary Code btw!!!))

Odd...but obviously by the word 'Subject', I knew who it had belonged to. The other syringe labeled with "Your Name" and I looked at the liquids inside then side by side and showed Y/N.

"Notice anything about these 2?"

"No I don't...they appear identical."


I looked from Y/N to the syringes again.

"There's something injected inside you Y/N. That's the conclusion I can come to. Your outbursts are animalistic and you seem to react differently...towards this subject. You're in danger Y/N, I can..I can only hope that we can help you."

Sighing, I walked out of the room. Barnaby and Sally stood there, Poppy put peroxide and a bandage of a small cut on Sally's arm, most likely from Y/N.

"Call Howdy for me Barnaby, actually scratch that and just call everyone over. We could need extra help now." Barnaby nodded and left.

I walked a few feet away from Poppy and Sally. Leaning to the side of a random wall as I felt a burning sensation in the corner of my eyes. I sniffled a few times and looked up. My chest felt tight as I tried to prevent the small tears that came from my eyes. I feel embarrassed to be acting like this right now.

I don't want to lose Y/N, I can't lose them.

But I cannot soften up now. I need to help them, even if it means risking everything and everyone else.

OOoooOoo~ foreshadowing???? 🤫

761 words

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