🌈Chapter 36🌈

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I woke up, my body was covered in a blanket, the soft scent of bacon reached me. I turned to face the kitchen and saw Sally sitting on my couch watching me as Wally stood there in my kitchen silently cooking.

"Oh ! Oh ! Wally~, They're awake!" Sally chirped.

Wally quickly turned around and looked at me with a small smile before frowning again. He walked up to me and sat on the side of my bed to speak to me.

"Y/N, it's still early if you'd like to sleep. Sally and I just came by to assist you incase you weren't capable of getting up, and...well we have some concerns." Wally looked a bit upset at the last bit. I was still tired so it took me a second to nod my head before he spoke again.

"I don't know what really happened when that— thing attacked you. I do know it's not just a major wound. When Poppy replaced your bandages very early this morning she described the color of your shoulder to have darkened but she is unable to pin point exactly what's happening. So I am going to have to monitor you closer than I thought.."

Sally raised her hand, "Me and the others too !" She giggled and smiled at me with excitement as always. Wally gave her a glare that he wants to help alone. Sally ignored that obviously; she knows Wally wouldn't hurt her for that reason.

Wally sighed and nodded his head as he got up and finished up breakfast. Sally sat up and looked at me a bit more seriously now. She looked worried as well.

Sally walked up to me and whispered to me, "I'd be careful okay? We're all worried. It's not better that your injury may have more to it." She sighed then smiled a bit more , she walked away and told Wally she was going to get to work. Wally waved goodbye and brought me a plate with bacon, avocado toast and some eggs.

I smiled for a moment using the little strength I had to show my gratitude. Wally set the plate on a nearby nightstand and went to grab my waist to set me up right, I felt a bit embarrassed that my BOSS had to assist me like this but I would prefer him than a random doctor.

"Do I need to um...feed you?" Wally looked a bit nervous when asking, I swear I saw a tint appear on his cheeks and when I slowly nodded but he quickly cleared his throat and slowly set the plate in his lap. To ease the awkward tension he'd smile softly as the fork was slowly raised to my mouth, I took a bite sort of aggressively, damn I was hungry even Wally was a bit shocked how I bit onto the fork.

~timeskip cuz im not typing out you being spoonfed.~

Wally got up and washed the dish he had the food on. For someone who shows no mercy as a boss, he is quite the gentleman. Thank you Julie for leaving him for me 🙏 . I hated how vulnerable I was, how Wally witnessed me in such a state. I knew my body was about to ache terribly as I started to slowly move my arms to lift me up and turn myself. I winced but tried to keep quiet as Wally was distracted cleaning the dishes.

Oh fuck oh fuck— my body felt like it was burning, the aching pain built up inside me starting at my shoulder then my arms as I lifted myself to my feet off the bed. My legs felt weak but I slowly walked towards Wally, my progress was nice though I had to grab onto the wall every little second.

"Bo-" I fell...

A thud scared Wally as I fell with a yelp. I could hardly move, I felt so unbelievably embarrassed and weak. I'm so pathetic, Wally rushed over to pick me up; he grunted when he lift me up. I quickly grabbed onto a counter in the kitchen and laid my head down on it. I felt like I was gonna die it hurt so bad, tears swelled up in my eyes so I kept my head down, embarrassed to show Wally.

"Y/N?! Shit. Why would you get up?!" He shouted though a bit gently with obvious empathy.

My body began to sweat as the pain in my body could be felt all around but my consciousness told me to not rest and that I should not be weak.

My voice was hoarse and I could not breath well as my tears got caught in my breath. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I am so weak." My breathing was heavy and I felt sick. Wally put his hand on my back and rubbed it as he tried to ask what was hurting. I couldn't respond, let alone speak.

It hurts so bad.
I can't hear Wally anymore.
Everything is black, blurry and dark.
"Where did you go?"

My heart raced, I barely peeked up to see nothing; my body started to function "properly". I could walk and I couldn't feel anything. I stood walked around in what seemed like an abyss. I yelled Wally's name and found nothing. I looked around unsure if there was even anything here.

A small sound could be heard, sort of like footsteps. I heard the gradually get closer until they sped up significantly to the point I ran off into whatever the hell direction I was going. It wasn't long until I was pushed into the ground roughly, my face planting into it, but it did not hurt. The only thing that ached was my heart after being practically jump scared by whatever had me pinned currently. My body was turned over and as I looked up to it I saw nothing but one thing.

Those glaring eyes. The white eyes that stood in-front of me. It's malicious intent growing as it looked at me.

"... - --- .--. / -..-. / .-. . ... .. ... - .. -. --."

My eyes looked around, it had me pinned but this  area was so void of color I couldn't see the figure of this creature.

I tried to stop the tension in my body and relax a little. Trying to listen, all I could hear was the sound of it crushing my skin together as it held onto me and the heavy breathing we both shared.

The sound of my flesh crushing was disgusting but I couldn't feel it so I didn't react. Wait, why can't I feel it?

"-.-- --- ..- .-..-. .-. . / -..-. / --. --- .. -. --. / -..-. / - --- / -..-. / -.. .. ."

My sweat dropped, I was confused and my fear only got stronger the longer I stared at it, the longer it spoke to me.

My eyes opened, I sat up quickly, looking around I found myself on the kitchen floor. Wally frantically yelling at me. His voice quieted down when I looked at him, he looked shocked. I was able to move that fast after laying on the ground for who knows how long.

"Y/N? What the fuck happened?! You just fell and stopped moving I thought you fucking died you idiot!" He yelled at me, I saw the dried tears on his face as he looked at me flabbergasted.

What the hell did happen?

1229 words!

Itll make more sense eventually so if you don't understand well dont worry about it ❤️

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