🌈Chapter 4🌈

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*Should I make this a short or long story? I might make another book during or afterwards with Wally AU one shots 🥰🥰



**3RD POV**

Y/n had been running back and forth quite often today. Why? God knows, the Production team just seems to have a habit of fucking shit up today and Y/n is the one having to deal with fixing a lot of it.

"WHAT THE HELL WENT WRONG HERE?!" Y/n was screeching at each employee they saw, and how did each employee respond?

"It wasn't my fault!" The same response over and over again like a broken record. Stressed out on your first full day? Sucks huh?

**YN POV**

As I stormed my way to Bosses Office I angrily knocked on the door, clenching my fists so hard they turned pale white.

"Come in."

*Lucky bastard. He sounds so calm and I would KILL to be that collected right now. In fact, I might kill these damn employees.*

Walking into the office I forced an obviously faked smile.

"Boss. The Production team h-"

"Has been causing problems? Yeah, I watched the cameras. Normally I'd have you come along with me but, it's your first day fully working so I'll cut you some slack. Wait here."

Watching Wally get up and leave was really intimidating, he looked livid the moment he left, I almost feel bad for those workers. As I was stuck in thought I noticed that Wally had left the cameras turned on his computer. *He wouldn't mind if I peeked, right?

Watching the cameras I can see Wally looking down at the Production team from the 2nd floor. Without warning he's shouting so loud I'm surprised the cameras sound barrier didn't break.


I saw most of the Production team have to literally cover their ears from the yelling, I can't bare to imagine the echo. Scary.. I smirk unintentionally at the mere fact the Production team was getting screamed at. And not gonna lie I liked the idea that my own Boss knows I was worker harder than they ever could.

Satisfied with what I saw I moved away from Wally's computer and sat down as I waited.


Frustrated endlessly, I made my way back up to my office. Before opening the door I took multiple deep breaths, trying to remain calm, then opening the door, seeing Y/n's eye lock onto mine almost immediately.

"I took care of them-"

"I know."

Great. I left the cameras on didn't I? No matter.

Walking back to my desk and sitting down I sternly look at Y/n.

"Could you make me coffee, **please** ?"

I purposely added emphasis on the please to get the point across that I am not asking but blatantly *demanding*.

"Yes sir. Thank you.. For that." Y/n nodded with a soft smile on their face, like genuine relief. They rushed out of my office which left me, alone. With thoughts. My thoughts.

*Talking about thoughts, why do I keep getting unfocused thinking about Y/n? I find no issue in their dedicated work, so why do my thoughts always trail back to them?*

Desperate to know the answer I tapped on the table repeatedly until I realized I had gotten off-track.


Quickly scattering papers I started with signing off the already finish ones. Then beginning to write on new oned. Until I saw my door slowly open, it was my Assistant.

**YN POV**

"Here is your coffee, sorry I'm a bit late I ran into a very- talkative employee."

Bowing quickly in an apologetic gesture , I waved goodbye, walking out as I heard Wally tell me, "Have a nice day Assistant. "

It has been pretty lovely today.. Besides the fact I had to deal with the most annoying people to ever exist. But that's besides the point. I think I should apply for a dorm room.

I froze in my tracks awkwardly realizing I'd have to go back to Wally's Office.

"I don't know where to sign up-"

Quickly speed walking back up to Bosses Office I knock, then quickly following with "It's me, Assistant.", before I had even gotten a response.

"Come in."

Opening the door I chuckled, visibly awkward.

"How- where do I sign up for dorms?" I said, tilting my head as I asked the question.

"Ah, I feel dumb for no not mentioning this. My apologies. But as my Assistant you don't need to apply, you have a dorm waiting for you for whenever, if ever you'd request it. Room A2, here are your keys."

Wally opened a drawer, taking out a key with a label that said,


Taking the keys I thanked him and asked where  I could find these rooms.

"4th Floor has all of the rooms, yours will be one of the last ones." Wally took a sip of his coffee.

"Thank you Boss!".

Walking out I neared towards the elevator, clicking on the 4th floor. Once the elevator had dinged, I stepped out and admired how the hallways looked, filled with doors.

"Woooowww.. Almost creepy, I like it!" God I sound like some edgelord.

Finding my rooms at the very very end in its own section, I noticed one right next to it that read the words,

"Walden Darling"

So I'm super close to my Boss at all times? That's not intimidating.

Opening the door I saw a blank room with beige walls, a simple bed and a bathroom to the side. Guess I will have to decorate another day?

Checking the time I decided that now was an okay time to rest. I mean, I was worn out and my work ended 15 minutes ago, I'll just have to be extra ready once I wake up in the morning.

Yawning, I decide to keep my work clothes on and just fall asleep on the bed. Too lazy to do anything else.

*What a day..*


1027 words!!!

Sorry I posted late, I have school sooooo yea, I hope this feed was good, lmk if I should post 1 or 2 chapters a day, bye bye~ also yes I changed my writing stanzas.

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