🌈The End🌈

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I still was shaken up from the events that took place but about a week has passed now and it's time for us to have the funeral for Julie.

Wally decided it was best if we buried her next to Ophelia which was honestly heart melting if it weren't us mourning the death of Julie. I was driving Wally to the graveyard because I had a feeling it would be a pain for me to have to place any tasks on Walden right now when he was so out of place.

"Y/N — shit I'm sorry you have to deal with this.." Walden groaned and looked out of the window, laying his head on his hand , every few seconds rubbing his eyes to prevent tears.

"Please Walden...don't beat yourself up over this. It's not your fault I let myself get influenced so easily, shying away at that monsters words." I sighed, "No , you don't get it. You shouldn't be here to begin with, you being in this factory is a mistake. I don't deserve the company of someone like you." He looked down, a few tears leaving damp stains on his pants. I pulled up to the graveyard, parking next to Poppy and Howdy's car which carried the rest of the group in the other seats along with Julie.

I locked the car doors for a moment and Walden noticed this and looked up a bit, lifting his head up and looking at me, he raised a brow curiously as he questioned why I wouldn't let him leave.

I leaned over to him and his seat and crawled on top of him, looking at him and wiping the tears that streamed down his eyes. "Please, understand I am better here with you, my lover you mean the world to me, please don't think harshly of yourself.." I felt my hands quiver as my breath quickened when I wanted to cry, to silence myself from anymore unnecessary pain I leaned into Wally's face, cupping my hands around his cheeks and tilting his head as I pressed my lips against his. Kissing him lightly but passionately for a few seconds before letting go and pulling away.

Wally looked at me with widened eyes, he didn't say anything for a moment.

"Y\N I— I don't know what to say..."

"Then don't say anything!" I cheered in a whisper, I rested my head on his shoulder, hugging him, as he started to cry whispering words like "I love you" , "I'm sorry" and mumbling I couldn't make out.

After a few minutes I reached over and unlocked the doors exiting the vehicle and reaching my hand out for Wally's to assist him. He took my hand and got out, he looked down at me, smiling a little more with his tears starting to dry as we walked closer towards the burial.

Sally was bawling underneath Poppy's feathery wing while Howdy patted both of their heads sympathetically. Eddie and Frank held hands as they silently watched everything happen while Barnaby started to gather everyone's attention.

"Heya' everyone! Please seat yourselves with whoever, find as much comfort as ya' can, my friends." He gave us time to scatter into seats made for all of us, I sat next to Wally and squeezed his hand tightly to reassure him it was okay, he returned the gesture.

Barnaby spoke lovingly about Julie, sharing a few stories about her and explaining how beautiful she was inside and out.

Barnaby then ended his speech with a gentle bow, we watched Julie, she looked as if she was only sleeping and every inch of my body wish she'd wake up last moment to tell us it was some big joke.

But she didn't.

Everyone was silent as they witnessed their friend being buried, away from us to see. I know Julie would be watching over us; she was always such an angel after all.

A few days later

I walked up to meet Walden in his dorm, to check up on him and make sure all was well.

I knocked a few times but opened the door without waiting for an answer, I saw how trashed his room was, everything was either misplaced or broken and he just sat on his bed, petting a cat with a small smirk until the noticed me.

"Oh..oh dear I didn't realize you'd be here..." he looked away embarrassed, he seemed to have gotten soft as he didn't seem irritated at my presence in so long.

"It's quite a mess here Walden, let us clean up together, you shouldn't be in such condition alright," i walked up to Wally and held one of his hands, placing a kiss on his cheek as I started to pick up broken glass on the floor.

"Shit—Y/N! I have a broom don't be so careless with yourself." He quickly got up and fetched a broom in the corner of his small kitchen, handing it to me, "be careful will you?" He scoffed making me smile.

I gingerly accepted the broom and begun to sweep up the glass as he started picking up knocked over objects and items.


After cleaning majority of his dorm I flopped onto his bed with the cat and sighed in exhaustion. He walked over to a small box and picked up what seemed to be a picture frame, he set it on a nearby table which showed me and him side by side, his natural deadpanned face with only a slight smirk and a big toothy grin on mine. He put his hands on his hips, content with what he did, he decided to walk back over and sit on the bed.

"What a lovely picture~" I cooed at him with sleepy eyes, he laid over with me, kissing my cheek before pulling me in to lay down with him. He sighed before speaking with a tired voice , "Let's not let the factory think I have favorite workers now alright?"

"Haha—alright Walden, I love you.."

"I love you too.."

1011 words...

Sheesh I finally ended this book, it kinda hurts I did but it had to end eventually!

To those who requested, the book about Wally AUs has been posted, find it on my account to read, I will start posting there now.

Thank you for all the kindness and support on this book, it's my biggest achievement and I take pride in the effort I put into this and I couldn't have done it without all of you my lovely neighbors!

I hope to see you on my new book ❤️ 🌀

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