🌈Chapter 43🌈

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After about an hour I walked out of the room and made my way to the smaller cells meant for subjects rather than experiments.

"It's all making sense Walden." I heard a feminine voice behind me. Julie and Poppy appeared with a paper. Poppy held the tray which held the blood samples.

"What do you mean? What did you find out." I walked up the them as Poppy had a worried look on her face while Julie had an expression I couldn't read. She was always like that I guess but she's her own person.

"These are pretty much identical. Because they are identical." Julie looked up at me, frowning as if she was disappointed I hadn't figured this out already.

"Whatever happened when that creature stabbed Y/N—it injected someone inside them and that's probably why they seem to act the same... I mean the outbursts? The sudden aggression shows animalistic behaviors and we must prevent them from diving any deeper to becoming one with this thing."

Julie sighed and told Poppy to go help Barnaby and Howdy bring in Y/N and the subject. I guess that made sense. Like an infection, that..I caused.


Wally gave me a blank stare and when he snapped back to reality he grabbed me by the shoulders and slammed me into the floor, causing me to yell in pain.

"W-Wally what the FUCK are you d-doing?" I felt my back and shoulders in an aching pain as he gripped onto me tighter.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?! It's my fucking fault they're like this. Ohhhh God...you assholes can't keep simple experiments in a cell can you?!" He yelled as his eyes widened and he lifted me up slightly to slam be back into the ground and shake me.

"MAYBE IF YOU HAD LEARNED YOUR LESSON TO NOT BE CARELESS LIKE YOU WERE WITH OPHELIA WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION." I screamed at him as he went silent. Barnaby and Howdy walked in with a restrained Y/N and the subject. Poppy was closely behind and gasped as she ran to us. Wally got off of me like nothing happened. Small bits of crimson red stained his prosthetic hands fingers from digging into me. I felt the warmth of the blood flowing a bit out of my shoulder as I coughed for fresh air back.

Wally didn't look at me anymore, he just frowned and pointed for them to put Y/N and the subject in the cell. They did so and slowly released the restraints; then scurrying out of the room and shutting the door tight.

Poppy tended to me while Wally only watched Y/N. Keeping track of everything that happened. How could he act so calm all of a sudden?!


I shuddered a little at Julies words as they repeated in my mind. She was right anyways. I intently watched Y/N and the subject stare at each other, as if having a silent conversation without exchanging words.

The subject then slowly stood up and walked towards Y/N, they didn't react at all, in-fact it was like Y/N hadn't even noticed it moving from its spot at all as they kept there eyes locked in the same position. The subject raised its hand up a little as its claws lit up by the reflecting ceiling lights. Y/N still hadn't moved.

"Fuck, fuck , fuck! What's happening?" I yelled. I was stressed. Incredibly. Stressed.

"Woah there buddy calm down!" Barnaby put his hand on my shoulder when he noticed my breathing start to quicken and my fists clench as I watched.

"-.-- --- ..- / -..-. / -.. --- -. .-..-. - / -..-. / .... .- ...- . / -..-. / -- ..- -.-. .... / -..-. / - .. -- ." The creature spoke down to Y/N. Y/N finally reacted, they looked towards me then up at the creature, they frowned as they begun to speak up, "I can't." They spoke in a monotone voice, also too quiet to hear if it wasn't completely silent everywhere else.

"I can't do it. I can't I can't I can't." Y/N stood up and looked directly at the creature, it placed its "hand" on their chest, slowly it closed its fist. Tearing small bits of their clothing off—then their skin started to peel. Y/N didn't scream, didn't move, didn't speak. They just stood there, shaking only a bit.


"Rid of him"
Rid of him?
"Rid of him"
My throat felt tight at it gripped near my heart, I felt my body quiver and tremble at its touch but I couldn't move. I couldn't even process what was happening.
"I can't.." I whispered.
"I won't"
It stopped clenching. It's claw's already poking into my skin, but it prevented blood from spilling out, not a single drop escaped.

It was not safe for me to be here, but why can't I just run away.

I slowly turned my head to Wally, he was saying...something..I couldn't hear him though. I watched Barnaby shake him as he tried to calm him down. Howdy just stared through the cell as he looked concerned. Poppy and Julie were focusing back and forth on me and Wally, trying to figure out what was happening.




"Kill him"
It whispered to me. I didn't see its mouth move—that is assuming it has one.

It didn't move at all after I refused to understand it. When I didn't listen to it.

It was all in my head? Am I going insane. This doesn't make any sense. I couldn't feel my body but I watched myself as I slowly backed away. I hissed in pain as the sharpened claws were slowly taken out of my chest, leaving a few holes around there.

Just like my shoulder, the color of my blood was dark; black even. It faded from its original color in the matter of seconds. I put my hand up to it and covered the bleeding. If you can even consider it blood.

"I'm not doing it. I can't."

"He's going to hurt you. You're pathetic if you think you're that special to him."

I had to be just going insane now.

I backed myself to a wall and sat down again as I held onto the wound with my blood trickling down my clothes.

It wasn't long until Wally had enough and entered the cell, Julie followed close behind him.


I eyed at the black substance that exited Y/Ns body. What the fuck was even happening.

I pushed all my thoughts and logic behind and walked into the cell, Julie ran up behind me. "Walden! You mustn't do anything stupid to put anyone in anymore danger." She looked up to me, all I heard from that was I shouldn't put Y/N in danger.

I wasn't, I was going to save them.

I didn't respond to Julie and I took a few steps further. The creature looked at me, but it didn't react.

"Get out of here please." Y/N whispered to me. "Fuck Y/N what are you saying? I am not having some assistant give in to whatever the fuck this thing is. I'm not letting you be influenced by this." I ran up to Y/N and crouched down to their level, they only looked at me for a second before they shook their head aggressively and yelled at me to leave them alone.

"You're it's biggest concern Wally. It's only going to have more reason to use me as it's puppet if you continue to tend to me at all times. You're only going to end up doing what it wants. I'll end up doing what is wants."

"Well what would that even be?!"

".. / -..-. / .-- .- -. - / -..-. / -.-- --- ..- / -..-. / -.. . .- -.."

1287 words

This is all MOSTLY made from the top of my head so don't judge the poor quality im trying 😭/lh

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