Yandere Rejecting Serafall X Gokai Red OC

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(Daniel Marvelous is the son of Captain Mervelous, the original Gokai Red. He became the current leader of the Gokaigers. He collected various treasures, but also has a crush on Serafall Leviathan.)

Daniel: Okay, Daniel. You can do it.

(He approaches Serafall and speaks.)

Daniel: Hey, Serafall. I want to ask you something.

Serafall: Yes, Daniel-kun? What is it?

Daniel: Would you... go out with me?

Serafall: Daniel... I'm flattered... but I won't go out with you. I'm already in love for someone else. But hey, we can still be friends, right?

Daniel: (tries to contain his tears) Y-yeah... I'll see you later.

(Daniel goes back to Gokai Galleon, where his father awaits him.)

Marvelous: Yeah, son. I learned the hard way there are treasures you can't possibly obtain. (pats Daniel's shoulder) But don't let this overcome you. You're a Sentai now, and a leader of the greatest Super Sentai team I once led.

(Daniel then turns to his teammates: Tokuro Ikari/Gokai Silver, Hailey Rose/Gokai Pink, Kaylee Fuwa/Gokai Yellow, Makoto Fuwa/Gokai Blue and Ben Richardson/Gokai Green, who give him a reassuring smile.)

Daniel: Father... guys... thank you...


(Daniel and his team are seen preparing to fight a certain quartet of fallen angels.)

Daniel: Ready?

M/B/K/H/T: (unison) Ready.

(They prepare to transform.)

D/M/B/K/H/T: Gokai Change!


Gokai Red: Gokai Red!

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Gokai Red: Gokai Red!

Gokai Blue: Gokai Blue!

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Gokai Blue: Gokai Blue!

Gokai Blue: Gokai Blue!

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