Yandere Caring RO635 X Male Kirby Reader (Lemon)

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(The moon hung low in the velvety night sky, casting a silvery glow over the quiet, peaceful Dream Land. Beneath the starry canopy, in the heart of Dream Land's lush meadows, a strange, yet intriguing bond was forming.)

RO635: Where am I?

(RO635 found herself in this whimsical realm, far removed from the battlefield she was accustomed to. She was a warrior, trained to protect and to fight, but in this place, she felt strangely out of her element.)

RO635: It's so... beautiful...

(Her mechanical eyes scanned the surreal landscape as she wandered through the meadows. Every blade of grass, every chirping cricket, even the soft rustling of the trees, seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. It was a stark contrast to the gunshots and explosions she was used to.)

RO635: (in mind) Now... where could be my cutie pie?

(As she walked, her thoughts turned to the one who had brought her here, Y/N, the pink puffball with an insatiable appetite. He had been a puzzling enigma to her at first, but over time, she had come to realize that there was more to him than meets the eye.)

RO635: Cutie pie, oh cutie pie...

(Y/N comes out of nowhere, holding a bouquet of brightly colored flowers.)

Y/N: Hello there, RO635!

RO635: There you are. (ses the flowers) Are these for me?

Y/N: I thought you might like these flowers. They're pretty, just like you.

RO635: Thank you, Y/N. That's... thoughtful of you.

Kirby: (eyes sparkle) I knew you'd like them! Come on, let's sit down and enjoy the view.

(With that, Kirby led RO635 to a soft patch of grass beneath a towering oak tree. They sat side by side, the moonlight painting them in a soft, ethereal glow.)

RO635: (in mind) Oh Y/N... you're so precious. I won't let anyone harm you.

(RO635 felt a warmth in her heart, a sensation she had long forgotten. She had always been driven by her duty and her devotion to her commander, but now, in this strange and enchanting land, she was beginning to discover a different kind of purpose – one that revolved around connection and friendship.)

RO635: (in mind) You're mine, Y/N. All mine.

(As the night wore on, the two unlikely companions continued to share stories, laughter, and even a picnic Kirby had prepared. It was a night neither of them had expected, but it was a night that would forever change the course of their lives.)

RO635: (in mind) Oh... I can't wait anymore!

(She then kisses him on the lips, as Y/N blushes, and then he transforms into his human form. She then pins him down as she uncuckles his pants and inserts his member into her vagina. She bounces on his member and continued doing so as she makes out with him. Their sex lasts through the night. Next day, several Waddle Dees are seen crushed like bugs. Courtesy of RO635.)

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