Yandere Ex But Caring M16A1 X Depressed Youtuber/Musician Male Reader

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(In a bustling city where humans and T-Dolls coexisted, there lived a YouTuber and musician named Y/N, known online as Argent Chaos. He was famous for his gaming videos and movie reviews, capturing the hearts of his viewers with his charismatic personality and deep insights.)

Y/N: Hey, everyone! Argent Chaos here, and today, we're diving back into the world of DOOM Eternal. As you can see, we're in the thick of it.

A/N: Start at 0:27

(After Y/N finishes playing, he breathes heavily.)

Y/N: Whew, that was intense, folks! Thanks for joining me on this epic journey through DOOM Eternal. If you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to like and subscribe for more adrenaline-pumping gameplay. Until next time, this is Argent Chaos, signing off!

(But behind the screen, Y/N was battling demons of his own. He had been in a tumultuous relationship with M16A1, a human girl who was once his everything. However, their love had soured, leading to a painful breakup that left Y/N shattered.)

Y/N: Why did you leave me? Why? WHY?

(As days turned into weeks, Y/N's depression deepened. He withdrew from his channel and the world, finding solace only in his music. It was during this dark period that he penned his haunting song, "Hibernation" by Iris, expressing the depths of his despair.)

(Unbeknownst to him, M16A1 heard him sing, and felt completely remorseful and guilty.)

M16A1: Did I really do the right choice?

(Her love for him had transformed into a twisted form of obsession, and she realized that she needed to make amends.)

M16A1: (yandere tone) Now I realize... I was wrong... I was wrong to break his heart... I need to fix it... no... I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN FIX THAT!

(Next day, Y/N is seen making a review of "Godzilla vs Kong".)

Y/N: Hey, everyone! Argent Chaos here, and today, we're diving deep into the epic showdown between two titans in 'Godzilla vs. Kong.' But before we get started, if you enjoy movie reviews and all things cinematic, don't forget to hit that subscribe button and ring the notification bell. Now, let's talk monsters!

(M16A1 began leaving subtle messages on Y/N's videos, apologizing for her past mistakes and expressing her remorse. She knew it would be difficult to break through the walls he had built around himself, but she was determined to try.)

M16A1: I need to keep trying, I NEED TO KEEP TRYING!

(Y/N is seen watching the fight between Godzilla and Kong.)

(After watching the fight, and some hours of review, Y/N speaks his final thoughts.)

Y/N: In the end, 'Godzilla vs. Kong' delivers exactly what it promises: epic monster battles on an unimaginable scale. If you're a fan of the MonsterVerse or just looking for some mind-blowing action, this movie is a must-watch. And that's a wrap for my review! Thanks for tuning in, and don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below. This is Argent Chaos, signing off!

(Meanwhile M16A1's comments gradually turned into heartfelt letters, each one revealing her genuine care for him. She attended his live streams, hoping to catch his attention and rekindle the spark they had once shared.)

M16A1: Please Y/N, I'm so sorry... forgive me...

(One day, Y/N decides to end it all, and take his own life, but suddenly...)

????: DON'T DO IT!

(Y/N turns to M16A1, who runs to him and hugs him tightly.)

M16A1: Please, don't do it... I'm so sorry, okay. I regret breaking up with you. Please, give me another chance...

(Though initially resistant, Y/N couldn't ignore M16A1's persistent efforts. Her remorseful gestures touched his wounded heart. He found himself reading her letters, listening to her words, and watching her messages.)

(Meanwhile, a random guy who once dated M16A1 is seen dead in the ground, bleeding.)

(As time passed, Y/N and M16A1 worked on rebuilding their relationship, taking it slow, and addressing the issues that had torn them apart. It wasn't easy, but their love grew stronger and healthier. Y/N returned to his channel, creating content that not only entertained but also inspired others dealing with depression. His journey became a beacon of hope for his viewers.)

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