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*Aarohi's POV*
*One week after the reunion*

Life has been fucking with me recently
and my parents are constantly nagging me to get a boyfriend or even worse get married.

I'm only 22 and I have a lot to pursue, software developing being my number one dream, even tho hacking is my favourite past-time. Something about coding gets my adrenaline rushing.

I'm still doing my masters in the same University as that brat Aarav, how unfortunate.

Last week after the reunion, that Aarav idiot pissed me off so much. I can't believe people would say me and him would make the so called 'IT' couple. All I know is the day that will happen is the day I'll change my name.

Basically, never.

Now I am on my way to one of my friend's house after the reunion to do some hacking, of course. He wanted some help and mentioned about some of his other friend being there, no idea who it is though.

I reached his house and was greeted by his mom, I smiled at her and went upstairs to his room. I've been here a couple of times so it wasn't weird at all.

I knocked on the door and heard a faint 'come in'. I entered and there goes my mood.

Aarav fucking Malhotra sitting in the bed beside Vihaan.

"Why are you here?" I asked him annoyed.

"The same reason you're here to help out Vihaan" He said as he rolled his eyes.

"Now now before you both start bickering, let's start with the work" Vihaan said tensing the atmosphere.

We both nodded and started with the work soon after.

Nearly 3 hours later we were finally done, and we succeeded of course.

Somehow during work, Aarav and I get along well, brushing apart our indifferences.

"Finally, this shit was tiring" I said as I rolled back on the chair and stretched my body.

"You're indeed tired, should I get something for you?" Vihaan said getting up from his chair.

"I'm hungry, do you have some food?" I asked him.

"You're always hungry" Aarav mumbled but I heard him.

"Why do you care?" I asked him while pointing a finger at him.

"I don't, I just stated a fact" Aarav said before taking out his phone and texting someone.

"Yeah, food is always available for you. My mother stocks up on your favourite biscuits and keeps rambling about how she wants me to get married to you" Vihaan said while slightly blushing.

Oh god.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Aarav looking up from his phone, interested in this conversation.

"I see" I said not knowing what else to say.

Vihaan went downstairs and came back after a few minutes with my favourite chocolate biscuits in his hand.

"Here I got them for you" Vihaan said while giving it to me.

I took it and started eating it when Aarav took one from my hand.

"GIVE IT BACK" I screamed as I got up to take it from his hands.

"It's just one biscuit you have a whole packet" He said as he stood up.


"IT'S STILL MINE AARAV FREAKING MALHOTRA I'LL KILL YOU" I said as I jumped on the bed with the pillow in my hand to hit him but trying to reach his height is nearly impossible.

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