Chapter 13

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Lee Know POV:

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Lee Know POV:

Han had been living here for nearly two weeks. In those two weeks, he had managed to befriend two of the cats (Dori pending), make Seungmin not hate him, and make me fall for him.

I had promised myself that I would remain professional and do my job, but Han had been too easy to love.

I helped him move his things out of the dorm and he told the school that he needed to take medical leave and, thanks to my forgery skills, it seemed legit.

He told his friends that he was dropping out to pursue music. They argued but eventually got over it.

Everything seemed to be going pretty smoothly. Except for my boss. She was livid.

Voicemail after voicemail asking me why I let him move in and about how suspicious it was. I couldn't help it though. Finding him on the ground in that much pain was something I never wanted to go through again.

I vowed then and there that I would watch out for him, and there's no better place for me to do that than my own home.

Besides, she had changed my job midway, asked me to become a security detail again. I hadn't planned on ever going back to that side of the business, but I wanted to protect Han. And I didn't trust anyone more than myself to keep him safe.

So, she dealt with her frustrations with me just like I did with her. To be honest, I think she was more upset because she could tell I had feelings for him. She knew deep down that staying with me would make him safer.

At first, Seungmin was also pissed...expectedly. He had his own job to do and Han being here made that annoying since he couldn't vent about it like he usually did. Whenever Han showered or had headphones in I made sure to give my attention to him so he could share the details of his findings.

Besides, some of the information he had could help me keep Han safe, and that was my goal.

Han and I spent nearly every day together and today was no exception.

He nestled against my neck as he slept. We had been watching a horror film, but he got bored halfway through and fell asleep. I didn't mind. Having him here was comfortable.

I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to convince him to stay. Even more so at how happy I was to have him here.

I'd only ever dated one person, and we broke up after a massive fight. So I expected pseudo-dating Han to be difficult, but he was so adaptable and cute that it was easy to be around him.

His bruises were healing well. The original hickey was long gone, but I got such a thrill seeing it whenever I looked at him that I kept making new ones. He seemed to like that.

Han twitched in his sleep which he did quite often. He had a lot of nightmares, but I was happy to be here to hold and comfort him. I stroked his arm and he seemed to relax a bit.

Seungmin walked into the room and gave a courtesy smile before sitting on the armchair. "Chan wants to come over later," he said.

"Sounds good," I replied. It would be nice to see him. It had been a while.

"He said he may invite a few people."

"Okay," I nodded, and Han trembled beside me murmuring something unintelligible.

"Nightmares still?" Seungmin asked empathetically. Although Seungmin and I had a past, he was really worried about Han's lack of mental strength in dealing with all of this. Should something else happen we were severely worried about the impact it would have.

"He just needs time," I nodded, petting his hair and kissing his forehead.

"I hope so," Seungmin said genuinely. "I'm going to get some things for later. Do you want anything specifically?"

"I'll drink whatever you get. Thanks," I responded staring down at the pretty boy in my arms.

Seungmin left and I held Han tightly. I'd hoped he wouldn't have any nightmares anymore but they came often. Just as frequently, he'd jump when he heard a door open or close. It made me grateful that he never had to live the life of Seungmin and me.

Han twitched again jumping up this time with his eyes open. He hyperventilated for a moment before relaxing back into me.

"Are you okay?" I asked gently.

"I'll be fine," he said unconvincingly. It was his usual response. I just nodded and hugged him.

"Seungmin said a few people are coming over later."

Han nodded, "Cool. I'll try to stay out of his way, so he can enjoy it."

I wanted to laugh. Han had no idea how much Seungmin cared about him and his progress. "We can hang out with them, too."

"You sure he wouldn't mind?" Han asked. I know Han found out about Seungmin and I having had a moment before, but he was being overly careful not to let Seungmin see us together much.

It was cute how much he cared, but nothing between Seungmin and I had ever been that serious.

"He invited us. You were just asleep and didn't hear."

Han didn't seem convinced but nodded his head.

While we waited for Seungmin to come home, I had thoughts of ripping Han's clothes off and taking him to my room, but I was still worried. Not only because Han hadn't done that before, but because I was worried that the level of intimacy I could give him wouldn't be enough.

Every time Han tried to initiate something I'd just go down on him. He was definitely getting spoiled and becoming a pillow princess but I couldn't do anything else yet. I wasn't ready. I had only slept with a few people and that was before an incident had ruined my body.

I wanted to be vulnerable for Han, but it was easier to be strong for him instead.

"Lee Know, could I invite Changbin?"

I had been expecting Han to ask about inviting his friends over for a while.

"Of course," I said.

"Thank you, honey," he said and kissed my lips.

My heart fluttered.


"Honey?" I smiled flirtily.

"Yeah um..." he stuttered adorably. "Your kisses taste like honey," he admitted.

My heart jumped, and I tackled him onto the couch. He pulled himself back up laughing.

"I'll be your honey," I said hugging him close and attacking him with kisses.

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