Chapter 57

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Chan POV

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Chan POV

Mrs. Seo was not going to be happy with me. At the pseudo funeral for Felix, she'd asked me to pull Han and Lee Know aside to inform them of Hyunjin and I's plans for Seungmin and taking down the Hwangs.

But when we got there and I saw Han healthy and Lee Know happy for the first time in so long, I couldn't bring myself to ruin that for them. They deserved to have a single day with no drama, no pain, and just love.

We all did.

And so I left them for the night with warm goodbyes. I knew I'd have to ruin the calmness sooner or later...but I chose later.

Hyunjin sat beside me as we drove back to my place at the Seo household. It was pitch black out. Changbin snored quietly in the back seat.

"Lee Know said I could use his place since he's staying with Han," Hyunjin informed me. I just nodded. I had always known that my space was too small for the both of us to remain comfortably, so I understood why he would be wanting to find somewhere else. I was a bit surprised he was moving, though, considering he hadn't spent a moment alone since we got out as he'd been too afraid.

"Are you sure you're ready to be alone?" I asked. I didn't want to be a dick, but I didn't want him to be too terrified to sleep either.

My question was met with silence. I assumed the answer was no.

"Would you move with me?" he asked shyly. Hyunjin was still uncomfortable about showing vulnerability, so it took a lot for him to ask me that. I knew he had to be very scared to put himself out there and possibly be rejected again as his family had done to him.

"Your place is too small for the both of us," he offered as an explanation. "And I'm scared."

I felt proud of him for being honest with me, though I'd never embarrass him enough to share that with him.

"I'll talk to Mrs. Seo about it tonight," I replied as I patted his thigh to reassure him that everything would be okay.

Hyunjin sighed in relief and stared out of the passenger window quietly. In moments like this, I wondered what went through his head. We'd all experienced so much in the past few months but Hyunjin had lost everyone close to him.

I worried about the fact he didn't seem to be phased by the loss as much as he was by the garage shooting. I wondered if he'd truly processed it at all or if he just didn't care about the people around him as much as the rest of us did.

I pulled into the house and went through both security checkpoints.

"I have to go talk with Mrs. Seo, but I'll be there soon, okay?"

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