Chapter 47

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"Get out!" my heart raced, and I felt like I'd jumped back in time

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"Get out!" my heart raced, and I felt like I'd jumped back in time. I sat up a bit from where I was in the bed and looked around. I half expected to find Lee Know holding the photos and kicking me out again.

But Lee Know was still wrapped around me and nuzzled into my neck as he held me from behind. He had begun to stir at the shouting as well, though, and groaned as he opened his eyes.

"Get out!" I heard again and turned fully around to see the doctor pulling Lee Know off of me in bed. I hadn't expected that. I guess he thought it was a safety issue or something.

"No, no, he's okay," I tried to explain to the doctor. I liked having Lee Know here.

"Two men? No, not okay. Get him up, so I can do your final evaluation and get you out of here. You two can take that behavior elsewhere," he ordered as he shook his head.

I didn't know what to say. I hadn't expected homophobia to be the concern here. I tried to form a response but nothing came to mind. My brain was half-functioning still. Luckily Lee Know was prepared enough for the both of us on how to handle this.

"Excuse me?" he began, fully awake now and with a face that made his fury very obvious. "I nearly lost my Han. He was in a coma for over a week. He's covered in scars. You watched me lay in the floor and on seats for days. And you're worried about me sleeping in the bed with him?" Lee Know moved off the bed to stand near the Doctor whom he towered over.

"Do you realize how unprofessional that is? And to wake a patient getting rest because you're personally upset by the sexualities you're confronted with and assuming. And then to say you want to do the eval to get him out of here?" Lee Know shook his head in frustration as he spoke. The doctor kept trying to back away but Lee Know would follow and close back in on him.

"It sounds like you weren't going to do a thorough or well enough job and that you'd rush through to get him off-site more quickly. You'd rush and possibly miss something potentially life-threatening? Do I have that right?" The doctor looked ready to argue but decided against it...likely because the accusations were true.

"And I happen to know the owner of this hospital, and I sincerely doubt Mr. Seo would be happy to know of the bigotry taking place here." Lee Know pulled out his cell phone and flashed a contact icon for Mrs. Seo at the doctor whose face turned a ghostly white. "I would appreciate it if you'd get a different doctor to check on my Han. And I will be informing Mrs. Seo of your behavior." Lee Know typed something into his phone and clicked a button harshly.

His phone received a message in just seconds from Mrs. Seo as if she'd been waiting for Lee Know to text her all along. "Looks like you're fired. Pack your things and send a different doctor in here who's more qualified and better educated on how to care for a patient."

The doctor stormed out of the room, and I stared at Lee Know with my jaw open. Not only had he just gone off on someone for me, but he'd done so while calling me "my Han". Obviously, we had a lot to work through to get over all of the bumps, but it still made me giddy to hear him say that.

Before...that was all I had wanted. It made me hopeful that if I still felt butterflies at hearing him say things like that, that I could get over the issues I have with him to make us happy again. We could actually be together one day.

"Are you okay?" Lee Know asked as he sat back on the bed and leaned towards me. He placed a hand on mine and the tension in my body dissipated.

"I'm fine. Thank you for saying all of that."

"Of course. Nobody will ever hurt you again." Lee Know got back on the bed and moved behind me. He pulled me to sit between his legs so that my back was to his chest and his legs were on either side of me. "I'll keep you safe from now on," he whispered in my ear as he hugged me from behind. I closed my eyes and leaned into him and he intertwined our fingers. Peaceful moments with Lee Know would be worth however many arguments we had to have. He was worth it.

The new doctor arrived, and she went through the test results from the blood work they had done. According to her, everything looked good...and the doctor deserved to be fired. Apparently, he'd told her that her hairstyle was unprofessional too. Sounds like he was a bigot all around.

She did a few physical tests, too, and confirmed that I was ready to go home. Mrs. Seo, whom I still refused to call mom, had already covered any medical bills.

"Where are we going to go now?" I questioned Lee Know as I changed into normal clothes for the first time in ages.

"Mrs. Seo got me a new place away from Seungmin, and she also got a place for you. We can use one of those for now."

"Are they safe?" I worried about Seungmin having access to some of their data and being able to track us down with Jeongin. The last thing I wanted was to be dragged back to that hell hole.

"Mrs. Seo revoked Seungmin's access to most things."

"Won't he get suspicious?"

"Chan ordered everyone to tell him it was a security lockdown for everyone's accounts, so he doesn't think he's the only one affected. He only has access to his own notes now."

I nodded. I still worried he may hack his access back. He was pretty intelligent. However, I trusted Chan and Lee Know to know more about the system and its capabilities and security.

Lee Know seemed to notice my hesitation, though and came to stand near me. He took one of my hands in each of his.

"I would not be so careless to allow you to get hurt again, Han. You will be safe with me from now on...okay" he promised as his eyes pleaded with me to accept him.

I nodded. I was still worried, but I didn't want to live in fear. He accepted that and pulled me in for a hug, holding my face into his chest.

"We can stay at your place, though, as it was bought in cash off the record so that Mr. Seo wouldn't find it, okay?"

I nodded into his chest. "Are you staying with me for a while?"

Lee Know pulled me back to look at me, "I'm staying with you for as long as you'll have me."

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