Chapter 93

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After leaving the note in Lee Know's cats' room

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After leaving the note in Lee Know's cats' room. I left through the front door quietly while they were outside. I heard them laughing and enjoying their coffees. They seemed happy, and I wanted so badly to go crawl into Lee Know's lap and to bask in the sun with him.

It took everything in me to leave him behind, but I needed to do this alone. The Hwangs had killed my parents, and I wouldn't give them the opportunity to kill Lee Know, too. I couldn't.

I'd taken a gun from Lee Know's stash when he'd thought I was getting dressed at our house and brought it with me. It would be a long walk to the Hwangs' house, so I had plenty of time to think through my plan and its many, many shortfalls.

I mainly spent it imagining how Lee Know would react to finding me gone. Would he fall to the floor crying? Would he understand what I had done? Would he imagine something worse?

I was sort of glad it had worked out this way so that Lee Know would have people to surround him and love him when he discovered the letter. He wouldn't have to find out alone and try to get Dori to scrounge up an ounce of empathy. Chan and Changbin would take care of him and keep him from falling apart.

I forged ahead, leaving my heart behind. I knew that there was just a 50/50 shot of my plan working. But a 50% chance of keeping Lee Know safe were odds I'd bet on. He'd sacrificed so much for me already, but his life was too precious to be thrown away like my parents had been.

My plan was to show up unannounced, demand to speak with the Hwangs, and use the gun to kill them both before a guard killed me. Ideally, the guards would be thrilled to be free of the Hwang regime, and I'd walk out of there alive. I wasn't going to hope for an ideal, though.

I knew that it was possible that I'd be shot immediately upon stepping foot onto their property. If this happened, I hoped word would get back to the Seo house, and they'd retaliate and kill the Hwangs.

Another possibility was that I would die and they'd live and that would be the end of it. I was actually okay with this resolution as well, though I favored the others more because if I was gone, Lee Know wouldn't matter to them at all. He'd still be safe and that was all that I wanted.

Any possibility of what could happen today was better than leaving my fiancé to die because he was willing to do too much to protect me.

I made it to the Hwang house and marched up confidently to the first security gate.

"Name," the guard said dully as he stared down at the TV in front of him. I could hear a soccer match going on.


The guard turned to stare at me in shock. "Kid, are you sure you want to be here?"

"Yes, I am," I told him confidently, and he looked at me with an expression that I could've sworn was apologetic.

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