Chapter 46

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Whatever I was laying on felt much better than the concrete bench I'd been using

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Whatever I was laying on felt much better than the concrete bench I'd been using. I was on my back and staring up at the ceiling. It was far too bright. I blinked rapidly as my eyes tried to adjust. I'd been in the dark for so long...

"Han, can you hear me?" I heard and I tilted my head slightly to the left and saw Lee Know. He smiled at me through tears but was promptly pushed aside by people who looked to be doctors and nurses. He moved to stand in the corner with a concerned but hopeful expression.

The doctors shined an even brighter light into my eyes, and I squinted and tried to cover my face with my hands. The doctor pushed my hand aside and continued his evaluation, ignoring my discomfort.

"What's your name?" he asked me. I stared at him with a bored expression and rolled my eyes. Since I hadn't replied, he asked again.

"Han Jisung," I answered him, not wanting him to think I'd gone deaf.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" he asked.

Seriously? What was with this guy? I was perfectly fine and just wanted to leave.

"4," I responded, biting back the urge to hop off the bed and sprint out the door.

"What do you think the date is?"

I snorted. I hadn't known what day it was for weeks. I'd been locked down there and then held for what felt like a month.

"I don't see how that's funny?" the doctor said, his hands on his hips. He looked frustrated in the same way a toddler does when you tell them they can't put their finger in the electric socket.

"Sorry. I'll take this very seriously," I answered with as serious of a face as I could muster up. "Is it June 32nd?"

Lee Know snorted in the corner and covered it with a cough. "Sorry," he mumbled.

The doctor turned back to me with an annoyed expression. "Do you know his name?" he asked, pointing to Lee Know.

And for a moment, Lee Know's face was full of worry. I half wanted to trick him, act like I couldn't remember, but that seemed cruel given how nervous he looked.

"That's Lee Know," I answered and watched as Lee Know visibly relaxed. He gave me a small smile and watched over me lovingly as the doctor did a few more memory tests. He also took a few blood samples and said that he'd be by in a bit to go over the results.

I needed to talk to Lee Know alone. I didn't know where we stood or why I was here. The moment the doctor left, I was ready to discuss that with him but Chan, Hyunjin, and Changbin came barreling in.

Lee Know remained in the corner and watched as our friends all said hello to me. Chan informed me that I'd been in the hospital for over a week. I honestly wasn't even phased because a week here meant I'd missed out on a week of being tortured by Jeongin, and I'd take that any day. That timeline also gave a good explanation as to why the doctors had been so annoyingly thorough, and why Lee Know was hovering so much.

Changbin broke down beside me crying about how happy he was that I was okay. He informed me that Felix had died and that hurt to hear. I was sure I'd get details later, but I wished there was something I could've done. Felix deserved better.

Changbin left shortly after. Apparently, his mom...our mom...was keeping tabs on him herself for now, and he wasn't supposed to have come by again today, but he had wanted to see me.

Hyunjin told me he was disowned by his family and disowned them back. He joked that he was going to take Chan's surname because he could use it to hit on people and make sex jokes. We all laughed.

It felt good to laugh, but it also felt out of place. So many horrible things had happened to me, and Lee Know understood that better than anyone. It felt like I was doing myself a disservice to just move on from what I'd gone through. I needed to talk about it and process it. I needed to know how we planned to make sure that we'd be safe.

My stomach grumbled. I needed a damn sandwich.

"Where's Seungmin?" I asked looking around the tiny hospital room. He and I weren't the best of friends, but he should've been here for Lee Know.

Everyone looked at me and then at Lee Know with pitiful expressions. "Seungmin was helping Jeongin," Chan finally explained.

I wasn't too surprised. Even though Seungmin had love for Lee Know, his vibe always felt off. I'd thought it may have just been my own insecurities though.

Lee Know eyed Chan and motioned his head towards the door.

"Okay, Hyunjin, let's leave these two alone. I'm sure Han is exhausted." Chan excused and threw a wink at Lee Know.

They left, and we finally had a moment alone.

"May I?" he asked before climbing into the bed.

I nodded, and he snuggled in beside me.

"Hey pretty boy," he whispered as he fixed a piece of my hair. I felt goosebumps all over as his hand brushed against the skin on my temple. "How are you?"

I had so many ways that I wanted to respond. I wanted to ask why he'd thought so lowly of me. I wanted to discuss the things I'd gone through and how horrible it was. I wanted to tell him that his words had hurt me. I wanted to tell him that I was sorry for what he went through to get his scars. I wanted to know if it had all been a lie. But right now, I just wanted him to hold me. I wanted to feel safe and comfortable and close to him.

"Hi honey," I smiled up at him. The look on his face from those two words made my heart skip. It didn't feel like he was just doing a job. "Can you just hold me?" I asked and his cheeks flushed.

Lee Know nodded eagerly and moved closer to me.

I turned to the side that I usually slept on and instantly felt tired. Chan had been right...

With my back to Lee Know's chest, I felt Lee Know's arm and leg drape over me as they usually did when he cuddled me. I reached for his hand and held it against my chest. I placed a kiss on it gently.

Not even a minute later, I heard Lee Know snoring behind me and wondered how long it had been since he had slept. Had he even left the hospital? I doubted it. He looked pale.

I caressed Lee Know's hand but suddenly realized that his sleeve was rolled up. His forearm was exposed to show his scars. I traced over them and wondered why he'd been so worried to share this with me. Even now, I wasn't ashamed of how they made me look. It was something I'd gone through and made it out of. Once we worked through everything, I'd make sure Lee Know always felt beautiful. He would see himself the way that I saw him.

I closed my eyes and rested comfortably. For the first time in weeks, I felt at peace, and I let myself drift away.

But then I woke up to the sound of a man shouting, "Get out!" and my entire body tensed.

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