7 ~ The Princess

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Agastya POV

With every step I was taking back to my chamber, away from her, away from Bhaisa's chamber, I was reminding myself that she needed to come out of her fears.

Everything that happened was just to protect her, and it would always be my responsibility to protect her. But her eyes seemed hopeless and were becoming a nightmare to me.

Stepping into my chamber, I looked at the attendees packing the things I had asked them to.

"Everything done?"

I asked them and looked at the two lady attendees, turning to me and nodding.

"Ji, Kunwar Agastya,"

I nodded and went directly into the bathing room to take a quick bath.

But my mind was slightly stuck on the night when she brought me the food. Her face seemed afraid. She looked tired but scared to sleep.

And, I could understand that she would not get over that day easily or should I say with her past. I did not know what exactly she had suffered but the way she looked at me, I knew it was something beyond repair.

She sat in front of me, with her eyes low, silently, and I could understand that she just wanted to stay in my presence.

I did not know how to console her. It was not my job to do it either. Because, I did not want to lit the fire of hope in her when I knew I would not be able to fuel that fire.

Stripping my clothes, I sat in the pool and placed my head against the wall with my eyes closed.

The words that she said about fear was haunting me since that day. The depth of her pain was brutal. And, one more thing had been added to that well of fright. Fire.

She is scared of fire.

She sat in front of me until I finished eating and not for a single moment she lifted her gaze to look at the fire burning just a few feet away from her.

Maybe she wanted to hear something. Or maybe she just wanted to stay in my presence. I did not know. But, she should not have come.

I inhaled deeply and opened my eyes realising, I was once again thinking about her when I should not.

She was not my wife. She was not... my wife. She was NOT my anything. Just a...responsibity.

I gulped pressing my teeth and tried to forget about that day and focus on other things. But there was this one thing that was concerning me really badly and it was the pain of women that had gone through that ritual.

I did not know what came to my mind when I went to protect her. In that moment, I felt like I would lose someone that had contibuted so much in our life.

I had seen her smiling, laughing with Bhabhisa. I had seen her working hard everyday to help her fulfill her responsibilties.

And, she did not deserve it. No one does.

My heart were beating really fast in that moment. I did not even know if any future exited if she had died.

The emotions, the pain of her in that moment seemed so strong to me that I could not help but forget everything and do the needful.

I did not know how much trauma she had gotten from that day. Here, I was having nightmare about that day, I did not know what was happening with her.


The voice of an attendee interrupted me all of sudden and I looked into his direction.


I asked and he informed.

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