I Don't Like Perverts

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A/N: Picture is of Jun! Hope you guys like this chapter!

The rain pounded hard outside my window and the thunder roared loudly in my ears. It was freezing and the floor was hard and dirty. The rags on my body could barely even be considered a dress. My arms wrapped around myself desperately trying to warm me up but it was useless. No matter what I did...I was still so cold.

"GET OUT HERE, YOU LITTLE BITCH!" It was like a switch went off in my body. I obeyed on command, without hesitation. My movements were slow and robotic as I lifted my small body off the floor. I made my way from the dark room to my parents. My mother's voice was the first thing to greet me when I entered, but she wasn't talking to me. "How much are we talking about?"

"Name your price. " This voice...it was incredibly deep and scary. The hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention as I watched the scary voiced stranger in my home. The adults continued talking, acting like I wasn't even there. My eyes remained glued to the strangers hulking form. Something about him...he made my chest hurt. Why won't my heart stop pounding? Why does he scare me so much? I don't understand what's happening here. My thoughts were interrupted by a strong grip on my arm. Before I had time to register what was happening, I was pushed into the arms of the stranger.

"Get out of here, we don't need you anymore." My father grumbled.

"W-what? Daddy! What's going on?" I cried. Without my permission, tears streamed down my cheeks in waterfalls. I reached my hand out to him but my wrist was snatched back by the stranger's massive hand. It was rough and cold, it made my body shiver in disgust.

"Come on now, Ami. We have to get you home." With that, he picked me up roughly and threw me over his shoulder. Who's Ami? Is that supposed to be me? That's not my name. I don't want to go with him!

"NO! I don't wanna go! Help me, mommy!"

"Help you? Why would I do that when we just sold you? Don't be an idiot. Just shut up and leave." Her voice was cold, leaving no room for argument. What is this feeling? Why do I feel like my heart is breaking? My vision was blurry and unfocused. I couldn't see past the tears anymore. I felt myself being carried away from my parents, my home, from everything I had ever known. In all my life, I had never felt as cold as I did in that moment.


"Miss Ami!" The booming voice of my teacher woke me up from my nap. My head snapped up on instinct and I looked around in surprise. It was just a dream, no it wasn't a dream. It was my past, as haunting and dark as ever. "My class isn't the place for you to slee- are you okay?" He stopped lecturing me midsentence and stared at me with worry.

"I'm fine" I smiled at him. He looked at me, clearly unconvinced. Why isn't he smiling back? I looked around the classroom to see the worried faces of my classmates. Was something on my face? Reaching my hand up I pulled it back to see it was wet. Oh, I'm...crying.

"Are you sure? Do you need to go to the nurse?" He continued. He was a nice teacher, despite the tough guy act he put up.

"I think that would be best." I smiled while wiping my tears away. I grabbed my bag and quickly left the room. Walking towards the nurse thoughts swam through my mind. It had been a while since I remembered my parents. I pulled Aoi-chan out of my bag before wrapping my arms around him for comfort. I buried my face in his fur letting the last of my tears fall. That memory, I never wanted to remember that again but as always luck isn't on my side.

"A-chan?" Honeys voice called out to me. I quickly wiped my tears away before looking up at him.

"Hi, Honey! How are you?" I giggled. He stared at me for a moment with an expression I couldn't read before he flashed me a huge smile.

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