Press Play

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A/N: SO, this is one of my shorter chapters. I haven't had a lot of time to write lately but I REALLY wanted to upload something! Tensions are high and they are only going to continue to get higher! Hope you all enjoy!

"Explain it to me again." Kyoya growled under his breath. Sora held the disc up in his hand while facing the group in the living room. Kyoya stood from his spot on the couch, absolutely livid that Sora could have not told the something so important.

"I have a disc of videos that will explain Ami's life to you." Sora summarized again. He had a goofy smile on his face as he said it but it was evident to everyone in the room just how fake the smile was.

"Does Ami know about this?" Ryu questioned, ever Ami's little knight.

"If she knew I had it I can guarantee you I wouldn't." Sora replied immediately. Ryu pursed his lips in thought, going over the confusing answer in his head.

"How did you get it?" Honey spoke up from his spot on Mori's lap.

"Your uncle wanted to document his training regimen to show how he could turn a weak nobody into a strong and obedient killing machine. The others are from Ami's therapy sessions." Honey's shocked expression went unnoticed as Tamaki was quick to voice out his thoughts.

"Therapy session?" Sora nodded in reply.

"When Ami was homeless, there was a trial study for a new medication to treat Patients with PTSD. She joined the trial and was forced to attend therapy sessions and be under constant surveillance so the doctors could monitor her condition. In return, she was fed and had a bed to sleep in. If you ask me, she got the short end of the stick..." Sora trailed off as he noticed Honeys slightly pale and confused expression. "Honey?"

"You...You said my uncle." Honey whispered. It was silent as it all clicked in everyone's heads. That's how Honey's family was involved. His uncle was the one who trained her. Sora opened his mouth but quickly snapped it shut. He was pale as he bit his lip.

"Shit, wasn't supposed to say that." He whispered to himself.

"I don't understand, I don't have an uncle!" Honey exclaimed. Sora opened his mouth to reply but Mori's sudden appearance into the conversation cut him off.

"You do." Mori's reply surprised Honey. The third year craned his neck to face his cousin with confused eyes. "You probably don't remember him. He was disowned as a Haninozuka when you were four."

"Wouldn't I have remembered something like that?" Honey questioned.

"I remember reading about it in magazines. It was big news back then. I had completely forgotten about it until now." Kyoya murmured to himself. Shocked that he hadn't remembered it sooner.

"Okay, so Honey-senpai has a uncle he doesn't remember and he trained Ami. Obviously, he wasn't winning any awards for good Samaritan of the year so I don't understand why he trained her...and how did he get her in the first place? Was she adopted-"Detective Haruhi was cut off by Tamaki's frantic voice.

"NO! She can't be adopted because then Honey-senpai and Ami would be related! Mommy! Say it isn't true!" Tamaki wailed while begging the shadow king dramatically. With those words, all hell broke loose as Tamaki and the twins all began to talk at once. Completely frantic at the thought of their ship sinking. Sora clenched his jaw in annoyance. He wasn't necessarily annoyed with the group, he was angry at himself for revealing something so huge. He had gotten too comfortable around the Host club and it came back to bite him in the ass. Though he came off as a happy and goofy heart throb, he was more cynical and calculating then people realized. He had his mother to thank for that. He had sworn his loyalty to Ami and he was about to show her friends a disc that she would murder him over. Without thinking rationally, he had already blurted out something he wasn't meant to.

"He couldn't adopt her because she didn't exist!" The words echoed around the room and Sora's hand shot to his mouth in surprise. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The group stared at him in confusion while Ryu sat in the corner quietly, observing the scene. No one could say anything. No one knew what to say to that. To the host club, it made no sense but to was the end of him and ami. She would never forgive him for this. Lily's small padded footsteps were heard as she walked towards Sora. Reaching out her small hands she pried the disc from his grip before walking towards the DVD player.

"You've come this far...I don't think it can get much worse for you." She spoke to Sora absentmindedly. He nodded slightly, walking towards the west wall of the room and taking a seat on the floor. Taking a deep breath, he explained.

"Ami's parents were...there's a lot of words I can use to describe them but none of them are endearing. They were dirt poor because they spent all their money fleetingly. When Ami was born, she was born in their home. Saying it's their home wouldn't technically be correct. More like they stayed in an abandoned house that had been foreclosed years before. There was no birth certificate, hell...they didn't even name her." Sora bite his lip. Struggling to find the right words to explain.

"Since there was no birth certificate, there was no proof she even existed...paper wise, Ami was never even born." Kyoya muttered to himself, connecting the dots. The host club tried to gather their thoughts before looking to Sora with more questions.

"If you want to know more, Ami is the one who can explain it the best...if you wanna know what it was like for her, you have to see it to understand. Basically, you need to press play." Sora muttered, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Surprisingly, not one of the host club members moved a muscle. Not even Kyoya who had been the ring leader of their hunt for information. Hanna and Hibiki had come into the room some time ago, but refused to get involved. Instead choosing to sit with Ryu and Lily in the corner of the room. In the end, it was Honey who stood from Mori's lap.

"I need to understand. I can't help her if I don't." He tried to reassure himself.

"I the only reason you're going to press play is because you want to help her then you may as well never watch the disc. After everything's that's been done to her...everything she's done. No one can help her anymore." Sora angrily retorted from his spot on the ground.

"How can you say that?" Haruhi gasped. Completely horrified that Sora could say such a thing.

"It's the truth. Don't you think I want to help her? It's not possible. She's screwed up in the head and I know that but I still chose to love her. She doesn't have to be completely sane and unbroken for me to have feelings for her. If she stays like this forever I'll still love her. If you can't love her the way she is now...then you shouldn't love her at all. "Sora spoke. His eyes never left Honey's frozen figure in the middle of the room. It took Honey three seconds to walk the rest of the way and hit play.

"I need to know." He whispered. He turned away from the TV, making his way back to his cousin who held Usa-chan out to him comfortingly. Everyone waited in anticipation as the video loaded. Completely unaware of the girl who was waking up a couple of rooms down the hall.

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