Time to Finish the Videos (Part two)

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            Hello Everyone! I am going to be the first to say that it has been way too long since I last updated. Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you and priorities change. All I can say is that while it may have taken me a long time, I never had any intention of abandoning this story. The reason for this was all off you, Every single time one of you voted or commenting I was reminded of the wonderful group of readers waiting for me to come back. I remembered this story full of characters who's story isn't over and needed to be finished. I want to thank you all, for your patience and for your continued support. It has been a hard couple years for me, but you all were a ray of light in those times for me. As always, feedback is GREATLY APPRECIATED.


Third Person POV

        The videos of Ami's life with the Akiyama's were so warm and pure that it caused the entire room to smile. Her year with the married couple was eventful. Her once soulless eyes slowly found light again. Videos of Jun teaching the Ami how to handle housework to piano lessons with Mrs.Akiyama and conversions with Mr.Akiyama in his office. They were all of Ami's happiest memories. Her features became carefree, slowly she began to smile and laugh. Of course, they were all painfully aware that these happy times didn't last long for Ami. As each video ended they came closer and closer to that harsh truth until finally, it ended.

        "Is there anyone else who would like to say a few words?" The man spoke from his position between the two caskets. The room was packed with friends and acquaintances of the kind couple, the sounds of sobs filled the air. Numerous people went up to speak, some share stories o past memories they had with the couple. Others chose to speak from the heart about how much they will be missed. Many broke down in grief-stricken sobs before they could finish their speeches and were then escorted off the mall stage.After hat seemed like an eternity, it looked as if everyone who was willing to speak had already gone. Ami stood from her seat suddenly, Jun following close behind her. She made her way to the stage before standing behind the podium. He long hair was pulled into a tight bun and her black dress flowed around her before stopping around her knees. She wrapped the cardigan she paired with the dress around herself before speaking.

       "Hello, I know many of you don't know me but my name is Ami and the Akiyamas took me into their home a year ago. They changed my life; in fact, they saved my life. Thee two people...they taught me so much in such a short amount of time. How to laugh, how to smile, what it was like to have a meal with others, to have friends. They are the only family I have ever known." Her voice was firm. Her eyes determined a she stared at the caskets in front of her. " They called me their daughter and accepted me despite my many faults. At first, I didn't make it easy for them. I was untrusting but they were patient with me and showed me love...I wish I could tell them that I loved them too, so much." Her voice cracked. Showing a sliver of the grief she desperately tried to mask. Though her eyes were watery, no tears fell from them. "I fully intended to stay and work for them the rest of my life but life is cruel and it has a tendency to take the people we care about the most away too soon." Everyone in the room hung onto the small girls words. Anticipating what she would say next. "There are many things I wanted to do with them, things I wanted to say and experience. I will never get that chance now. Sitting here, listening to all of you, I have come to that realization. Though they aren't my blood. Mr and Mrs. Akiyama are my parents. They gave me shelter, food, clothing and most importantly love. The kind of love a parent is supposed to show towards their child. I will forever be indebted to them." Ami finished. Her voice shook uncontrollably now. Her eyes were sharp and regretful but she still kept the flood of tears at bay. She took a step back, allowing Jun to take her place at the podium.

       " You all know me but for the sake of formality I will introduce myself again." He started. "My name is Jun Hamasaki, the personal butler to the Akiyama family. I am here to announce what my employers have decided in their final will regarding the future of their company." With that, the crowd was suddenly quiet. The sounds of sobs quieted and the air of grief dissipated. Instead looks of longing and anticipation replaced them. Jun stood emotionless, used to this kind of behavior. Ami, on the other hand touched her stomach lightly; suddenly feeling nauseous at the change of mood. " In compliance with the wishes of my late employers, Ami will take over as CEO of the company." With those words, a switch flipped in the room. Anger, disappointment, confusion all these emotions were directed at the pair but Jun paid it little mind and continued. "She will graduate from Ouran Academy before officially taking her position. Until that time, I will act as a temporary CEO in her place. That is all and I thank you for attending today." Jun left no room for arguments. Slowly the crowd began to make their way out.

       "Jun, may we have a word?" A man spoke. The butler nodded but first turned to look at his new mistress. Her head was down, face covered under a curtain of white hair. Wordlessly Jun followed the man out of the room. The sound of the door could be heard closing behind them. Ami stood frozen for a moment. The room was eerily quiet now. It felt like forever until Ami finally moved. Slowly, she walked forward towards the caskets until she stood in between the both of them. She lifted her hands shakily before forcefully covering her mouth. In an instant the deathly silence was overcome by a gut-wrenching scream. Tears fell like waterfalls from her amber orbs and cascaded down her cheeks and hands that were firmly pressed over her lips in an attempt to muffle the awful sounds. Her legs gave out from under her and she tumbled to the floor. Ami's cries seemed to last forever, at times she cried so hard she found herself coughing and choking but she still refused to move her hands. She was mourning not only for the people she had lost but for the memories she had made with them. She cried because after so long, she was finally happy and as always, it was ripped away from her.

        Eventually, the girl's cries began to quiet down, her hands fell to her sides and from sheer exhaustion she found herself leaning against one of the coffins. "How could you leave me." She whispered to no one. Her voice quiet and raw, the screams had taken a toll on her vocal cords and now she could barely speak above a whisper. "I love you both, so much. Please, don't leave me. I can't do this alone." Her voice began to shake again and while her tears slowed, they in no way stopped flowing. "I'm so tired of being alone, I'm tired of being abandoned. Just take me with you. Please...I would have rather went with you." The young girl chewed her bottom lip, scrunching her eyes together in an attempt to stop the onslaught of tears.

       Everyone sat in silence, staring at the screen as they continued to watch Ami beg the Akiyamas to come back. It was difficult to watch but they couldn't seem to look away. They had watched this girl grow. They had seen her at her worst, watched her being tortured, humiliated, lied to, abandoned. No one knew what to say, no one dared to even breath. That is until someone spoke for them.

       "Well" Ami spoke up from behind the group. Everyone's head snapped behind them to meet her eyes that showed nothing but absolute rage at the situation in front of her. "I believe someone owes me an explanation..." her voice was cold and detached. Anger burned within her as she glanced around to scan the sea of shocked and guilty faces in front of her. "...and it better be a good one." 

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