Once Upon A Time

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A/N: Here it is!! You all literally jumped at the Teaser of this chapter and the comments made me smile. I felt the love for this story so I forced myself to update tonight! Hope you all enjoy! As always, feedback is GREATLY appreciated and I hope you all enjoy the story. The song above was the inspiration for Lilly and her story and the Picture is of Lilly!


I couldn't hear anything over the high pitched ringing in my ears. My fists moved on instinct as my senses continued to dull. I couldn't see anything other than vague, colorless figures under me. Somewhere inside of me, I knew I was losing control. Losing control to the monster he had implanted into me all those years ago but...I couldn't fight it. It felt so good to let it loose that I felt the smile stretch across my lips as my hands began to feel warm and sticky. A presence behind me caught my attention and without a thought I swooped a leg behind me to knock the presence over. It jumped, effectively dodging my kick and landed to my side. I giggled at the challenge before lashing out wildly. I'm not sure how long we played our game of cat and mouse for but just as I was beginning to tire, I surprised him by taking a sudden step forward so we were less than an inch apart. Using their surprise to my advantage, I kicked the back of their knees before using my other leg to land a kick to their chest. Knocking them onto the ground roughly. I smiled sadistically while I prepared to land a stomp on their stomach but warm hands found their way to my cheeks. Pulling my head to the side quickly, I didn't have time to catch myself and I went tumbling into this new figures chest. Warm lips made contact with mine aggressively, they were desperate and welcoming. The sudden shock brought color back to the world around me. Blonde hair entered my line of vision and I clutched onto him desperately as he never detached his lips from mine. My eyes searched behind me as I scanned the terrified expressions of my friends. All pale and wide eyed as they looked at me with changed eyes. My eyes landed on two bloody heaps sprawled out on the ground bot too far from me. The shock and realization brought tears to my eyes and he pulled away from me to guide my face away from the sight.

"S-Sora..." My voice shook. He gave me a loving smile as he brushed my hair away from my face. His mouth and cheeks were smeared with blood.

"Shhh...It's okay. Look at me, just look at me." He pet my head gently, refusing to let me catch a glimpse of the bloody scene again. I reached a shaky hand up to touch his face, only to pull it back in shock as I was brought face to face with the blood on my hands. My knuckles had been skinned raw and it throbbed with pain. I went to step back but Sora's hand latched onto my bloody one as he guided my eyes back to his crystal blue orbs. "Ami, it's me. It's okay...you're okay."

"W-what did I do? What...how-"I tried to stutter out between shaky lips.

"They were bad guys, Ami. You didn't do anything wrong...you did what you had to." He tried to reassure me. His words went in one ear and out the other as I glanced down at my sundress to see it splattered with blood as well. My whole body was splattered with blood that wasn't mine and the realization made my stomach churn. My knees went weak as I slumped with exhaustion. Sora cradled me to him as I whispered frantic apologies over and over under my breath. Sora whispered sweet nothings to me as he scooped me into his arms bridal style, not caring one bit that blood was finding its way onto him from the action. My limbs were heavy and it was impossible to keep my eyes open. Sora began to walk, passing by the blood scene. I caught a glimpse of the men's smashed in faces and the guilt I felt hit me hard and fast. My body felt numb as I drifted to sleep in Sora's arms.


(Third person Pov)

It was quiet in the room as everyone was lost in their own thoughts. After Sora carried a sleeping Ami away, Kyoya called an ambulance for the men Ami had beaten half to death. He had seen a lot of gruesome sights at the hospitals his family owned, but their smashed in faces took the cake as one of the worst things he had seen done to another person. Honey picked himself up from the ground slowly, running the fight he had with Ami through his head over and over again. She had become someone else entirely, she was ruthless and sadistic as she continued to land blow after blow on the men after they went down. The worst part of it all...she did it with a smile. She smiled as their bones cracked underneath her fists and blood splattered all over her. It didn't affect her one bit. If anything, it egged her on. Sora watched the whole scene with a pained expression as everyone else stood frozen. Honey broke from his trance first. He tried to stop her but she lashed out at him with nothing but glee on her blood splattered face. He dodged for as long as he could, refusing to hit her but she eventually got him. Then, right as she was about to stomp mercilessly on his stomach, Sora swooped in and kissed her.

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