It Can't Be

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A/N: Hello awesome readers!! Here's another chapter for you guys!It's not my longest but I'll make up for it next update! Trust me.  Hope you guys enjoy!

(Third person POV)

"Tamaki, come take a look at this." Kyoya called to the blonde president. Tamaki looked up from his guest in surprise. It wasn't common for Kyoya to pull him away from the guests so it must be important. Tamaki excused himself before walking towards the back of the music room.

"What is it, Kyoya?" Instead of a reply, Kyoya turned his laptop around to face his friend. Tamaki's face morphed from confused to surprise as he watched the video in front of him.

"T-that's...Ami, isn't it?" Tamaki stuttered out. Kyoya smirked before nodding. The video was of a street performance in front of a small time bakery. Ami danced as Hibiki accompanied her. He was dressed as a doctor while Ami seemed to be some type of...robot? She had what looked to be an extension cord wrapped around her waist like a belt. The other end was connected to the keyboard behind her. Hanna stood behind the keyboard dressed as a robot as well. Ami chased Hibiki around the open space, twisting and turning her body in a way that was both graceful and awkward. Giving the illusion that she needed repairs. Tamaki watched in stunned silence as the music came to a whirring stop. Ami slumped forward, completely frozen making it appear as if she had shut down. Hibiki visibly sighed in relief before turning around to talk to the crowd. They talked to him with enthusiasm as Hanna sneaked away to approach a small girl in the audience. She whispered something in her ear before pointing back at Ami.

"What's happening?" Kaoru questioned aloud. At some point, the entire host club had come to see what Tamaki had been watching. They observed the video with interest as they watched Hanna run back to her keyboard as the small girl ran towards Ami. Hibiki turned around quickly to see the small girl grab something sticking out of Ami's back. It looked like some sort of winder that you'd put on a doll. With one crank Ami stood a little taller. The music started back up to a slow tempo as Ami sang.

"You've got my life in the palm of your hands

Come, save me now. I know you can..." The little girl ran back to her mother as Ami's body started to convulse violently. She really did appear to be a robot malfunctioning. The tempo increased as Ami stuttered over her words and her body twitched uncontrollably. It wasn't long before she seemed to have gained control again. She began dancing and jumping around the open space. The audience clapped along to the music.

"Make me come alive

Come on and turn me on!

Watch me, save my life

Come on and turn me on!" Hibiki ran towards the keyboard as Ami came closer to him. He unplugged the cord that connected Ami to the keyboard and she instantly slumped back down and the music came to an end. The little girl from before ran up to crank Ami and with one twist Ami stood straight before turning to smile at the girl. The audience clapped as Hibiki, Hanna and Ami all took a bow. The video cut from there. The host club looked up at their vice-president with questioning faces.

"Where did you get that from?" Haruhi was the first to speak.

"It's on the internet. 6,000 views so far and it was only posted last night. "Kyoya smirked while adjusting the glasses on his nose.

"Wow, we knew she could sing but this..." Tamaki trailed off. He appeared to be lost in thought as he placed his hand under his chin.

"I've seen those costumes before." Hikaru stated. Kyoya looked up at the twins.

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