Gummy Bear Gods

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A/N: Super long chapter!! It's the chapter you've all been waiting for! Feedback is always appreciated! Let me know what you guys think :)


"Why am I here?" I groaned aloud. Haruhi glanced at me before chuckling dryly.

"You took the words from my mouth." She grumbled. I smiled slightly at her. I laid back on a towel staring at the umbrella above me while Haruhi sat next to me while staring out towards the ocean.

"What are you looking at anyway?" I asked her. I sat up on the towel. She sweat dropped at my question and I looked at her with questioning eyes. Turning my head towards the ocean I immediately wished I hadn't. Tamaki and Sora sat on two separate rocks with a line of girls behind them. Kyoya stood with a clipboard keeping time before informing the girls that their time was up and it was time for a new girl to sit with the boys. Tamaki had his arm around one of his regulars as he sweet talked her. Sora on the other hand, was accepting multiple sweets from his guest. He had a blinding smile on his face as his eyes sparkled at the sight of the sweets. I chuckled awkwardly at the sight in front of me. Those two were something else entirely.

"Can I ask you something?" Haruhi spoke suddenly. I pulled my attention from the boys and smiled at her jokingly.

"I was wondering when you would." I laughed.

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's pretty obvious you're all on Kyoya's side when it comes to finding out my history. The twins, Honey, and Kyoya have all questioned me already. I doubt Tamaki would because he isn't a confrontational person. So, that leaves you." I explained. She pursed her lips in thought before turning back to me.

"What about Mori-senpai?" I stared at her for a moment before scrunching the white sundress between my hands. I looked away from Haruhi's gaze before scanning the beach for the dark haired giant. I caught sight of him with Honey by the rocks. Honey was entertaining a couple of the guests as Mori stood on the sidelines observing. Haruhi followed my line of sight before glancing back at me. Her brown orbs drilled holes into my head as she waited for me to speak.

"I have a feeling that Mori knows more than we think he does. I'm not positive but I I'm pretty sure he does."

"More about your past?"

"No. Definitely not but...he knows something. I just can't figure out what it is." I muttered. Haruhi stayed silent as she processed my words.

"Ami!" Ryu's voice called out to me as he ran towards me. Hanna, Hibiki, and Lilly walked behind him with smiles on their faces.

"Hi, Ryu!" I laughed when he finally reached me. He wrapped his small arms around my neck in a hug that I eagerly returned.

"Sorry we're so late, Evangeline decided she didn't want to come so Lilly asked if she could. We stopped to buy her a suit on the way." Hanna explained. Ryu pulled away and I waved her off with a shrug.

"Don't worry about it. It's fine." I reassured her. Lilly ran her way up to me. Her green hair was in her signature braids. She had a cute mint green one piece suit on and her white sandals kicked up sand behind her. A small lollipop clip in her hair held her bangs back so you could get a good look at her eyes.

"Hi, Ami! I'm super excited to be at the beach!" She bounced in place with a huge smile on her face, exposing the small gap between her two front teeth.

"I'm glad you're here, Lilly." I laughed at her adorableness.

" to explain?" Kyoya popped up out of nowhere nearly giving me a heart attack. He adjusted his glasses as he stared me down from behind his clipboard.

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