They're Not Ready...Yet

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A/N: So in fear of people jumping off of cliffs if I didn't ya go! This chapter has one of my favorite Ami moments in it and I think it shows a more mature side of her that is rarely seen. Hope you guys enjoy and as always, feedback is appreciated!

"Shouldn't we go inform the office that we won't be leaving the academy?" Hanna asked. I was still being carried by Hibiki and I'm not gonna lie, I was loving it. No wonder Honey gets carried all the time it's pretty relaxing not having to walk places. I think Hibiki is in for a rude awakening once he realizes that he just created a monster.

"Probably." I shrugged in response. Hanna watched my passive face, obviously waiting for me to continue. When I didn't she continued to push the subject.

"Um...but we're heading to the cafeteria..." She trailed off. I nodded in response.


"Why aren't we going to the office first?" She finally got to the point. I smiled brightly at her.

"There we go! See, it's not so hard to speak your mind, is it Hanna?" I joked.

"...huh?" She stared at me with a look like a deer caught in headlights. I giggled at her adorable expression.

"You're so shy. It's hard to figure out what you're really thinking sometimes. If you have something to say, you should say it. How else are you going to become my business advisor?"

"You're going to make me your advisor!" She squealed.

"Yep! I need all the help I can get, to be honest." I told her honestly. "To answer your question, we're going to the cafeteria first because I'm starving. I can't deal with things like tuition or school on an empty stomach." I giggled.

"If she's your business advisor, what does that make me?" Hibiki questioned.

"Well, here's a hint. You're doing a splendid job of it right now."

"I will not be your personal horse!" He growled. I pouted at him before sniffling slightly.

"Hibiki, are you saying you hate me?" I hid my face into his shoulder as he attempted to crane his neck to look at me in shock.

"What! Of course not!"

"So you're saying I'm too heavy for you!" I whimpered. I heard Hanna cough into her hand loudly, obviously trying to hide her laughter at her brothers expense.

"No! I could carry you all day! That's how light you are, I swear!" He panicked. It was silent as I dug myself deeper into his shoulder before adding another sniffle for good measure.

"Really?" I called out innocently.

"Really." Hibiki confirmed. I lifted my head up before flashing him a smile.

"Great! That's all I wanted to hear!" I giggled. Hibiki's frozen expression caused his sister to burst into laughter. He glared at me with narrowed eyes. I'm starting to think this might actually be his normal expression.

"You really are gonna be a handful." He ground out through clenched teeth. I giggled while reaching up to ruffle his red locks.

"Small, but mighty." I quoted a movie as we walked through the cafeteria doors. (A/N: If you don't know what movie I'm talking about here then you have been deprived, my friends.) The hell I saw before me was nothing short of a surprise.

"Stop copying me! Why don't you just leave me alone?" The twins growled in sync. That wasn't the craziest part though. The craziest part was the fact that they had died their hair pink and blue. That's right, Cotton candy Pink and Cotton candy Blue. It was the best thing I had seen all day and suddenly I couldn't stop thinking about cotton candy. I'll need to buy some on the way home.

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