Host Club Meeting

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  A/N: I had no intention of updating twice in one night but I couldn't sleep so here it is! This isn't a super long chapter but it definitely showcases a more...demented side to Kyoya. Enjoy and as always feedback is appreciated!

Ami: No fair, Ellie-chan! I'm not even in this chapter!

Hibiki: Quit complaining. It's not like I'm in this chapter either.

Calm down guys, you'll be in the next chapter. This is more of a Host club chapter and you two aren't in the Host club.

Ami: But-

No buts! Wait your turn. Your the main character, you'll be in plenty of chapters.

Ami: *Pouts* Fine.

Hibiki: As long as I'm in the next one.

What am I going to do with you two?? Anyways, on to the chapter!


(Third Person POV)

Kyoya, I don't understand why you called us all here." Tamaki mumbled to his best friend. Kyoya had called the Host club to an emergency meeting at his house without consulting Tamaki first. It was...unusual to say the least.

"We all need to talk...about Ami." He stated while adjusting his glasses on his nose. The faces around him morphed from confused to shocked. All except Mori, who leaned back and observed the situation.

"Why do we need to talk about, A-chan?" Honey asked worriedly. He didn't like where this was going.

"Because none of us know anything about her! Does that not bother you all?" Kyoya growled. It had obviously bothered him quite a bit. The bags under his eyes were a clear indication that he had spent many sleepless night thinking about Ami and her mysterious past.

"That's not true! I know a lot about A-chan!" Honey defended when the rest of the host club looked away. Kyoya raised a brow challengingly.

"Oh, really? Then tell me, Honey-senpai. Where are Ami's parents?"

"W-what do you mean? She lives with them-"

"No, she doesn't. I found out that Ami has been living with the Akiyama family for the past two years. Apparently, they picked her up off the street and asked her to be their maid. The fact that she got the company in the first place is a miracle." Kyoya informed the group. It was silent as everyone analyzed his words.

"Now that you mention it, whenever anyone asks her anything she has this weird way of dodging the question." Hikaru spoke up.

"Yeah, she answers without actually answering anything." Kaoru backed his twin. Honey looked down at Usa-chan in his lap. They were absolutely right. Ami was a huge mystery, even to him and he had already fallen hard for her. He didn't know anything about her.

"Let's not forget what we saw on physical exam day." Kyoya looked in Honey's direction. The lolita boy sunk into his seat while burying his face in his pink bunny. How could he forget? It had been bothering him immensely.

"What did you see?" Haruhi spoke up for the first time. She hated to admit it but she didn't know a thing about Ami either. She didn't want to bring up painful memories but, she wanted to be there for her friend."

"When we all barged in, A-chan had her robe down and she back was...covered in scars." Honey whispered out. He stared down at the floor under him. Refusing to meet anyone's gaze.

"That doesn't mean anything! Maybe she was just a clumsy kid!" Tamaki laughed nervously. Even he didn't believe that but he knew Kyoya and when Kyoya wanted to know something he would do whatever it takes to figure it out.

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