How Do You Feel?

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A/N: I'M BACK!!! School is finally over and I have officially Graduated! Whoop! You are now looking at a high school graduate, my lovelies! Okay, So I personally fear that this chapter is going to be confusing, I decided to break the chapter into two. Just to make it less confusing. (I literally rewrote the whole thing three times trying to make it less confusing and this was the best it got. -_-)  ANYWAY... Hope you all enjoy! Feedback is HELLA appreciated in this chapter just because I'm super worried about it so let me know what you think! Also, I did post those stories ideas but I guess they got deleted? So I'll be posting them here! SO expect that before the next part of this chapter. Or maybe not, depends on how this chapter does, I guess. But now I'm rambling so...ONWARD TO THE CHAPTER MY SUBJECTS!!>>>>>>


The video opened to see a small room with two twin beds on either side. At the foot of the beds was a locked trunk with padding messily wrapped around it. Almost as if someone had attempted to make it childproof and failed epically. It was obvious that the video had come from a security camera in the corner of the room. A padded door was visible on the corner of the screen.

"What is this?" Haruhi whispered aloud. The air around her was so tense, she couldn't help but whisper. As soon as the words left her lips, the padded door creaked open. A young Ami entered the room, followed by a huge, hulking man dressed in all white. Following him was a woman in a lab coat. Her blonde hair was tied back into a low pony tail, her heels made her seem professional while the stern expression on her face made her seem cold. Ami wore nothing but a hoodie and shorts. The hoodie was three sizes too big, hanging off her body unattractively. The fabric was torn and stained. Her white hair was even longer then it is now, it clumped around her small face in knots. Looking as if it had never been brushed in her life. Even with the horrible video quality, you could clearly see the dark bags under the young girl's eyes. Her eyes darted around the room frantically, you could hear her rapid breathing in the video, panicked and uneven.

"This will be your room. Your roommate is at her session right now but she'll be back soon. We've already gone over the rules so we will come pick you up for your first session in three days." The woman spoke. She was most likely one of the doctors running the experiment. Instead of waiting for a reply, the woman turned swiftly exiting the room, the man following right behind her. The door locked behind them loudly and Ami was left in the room alone.

"Scared." Ami whispered to herself loudly. She looked around the room quietly before making her way to one of the beds. The video cut off there before beginning again. This time the video was different, instead of Ami being alone, another girl was in the room with her. Ami slept in her bed while the girl wandered around the room aimlessly. Before Kyoya could even question what was happening, the mysterious girl suddenly let out a battle cry running straight into the wall head first. She grunted before continuing to smash her head into the wall while groaning and growling wildly. Ami woke up with a start before running to the opposite end of the room. Placing her small hands over her ears she rocked herself back and forth with closed eyes. "Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop." Ami cried repeatedly. It felt like forever before the hulking man from the last video burst through the door heading straight for Ami's roommate. He wasted no time pulling her away from the now blood stained wall. She let out an inhuman screech as she clawed at his massive arms around her. Her eyes were wild and alert while her teeth were bared aggressively. She truly looked wild in that moment. The man said nothing to Ami as he dragged the girl out of the room before locking the door behind him. The girl's screams grew faint as she was dragged further and further from the room. Ami stayed glued to her corner, eyes closed tight refusing to look at the bloody scene her roommate left behind. "Afraid." She spoke aloud before the video once again cut off.

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