Irritable Princess

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A/N: Mostly a filler but I hope you guys enjoy!


"Sora, I love your voice!"

"Where did you learn to sing?"

"Would you accept these chocolates I made?" Sora's three guests had been shooting him question after question for the past ten minutes. Normally, this wouldn't bother me but the fact that I was currently trying to take a nap with Sora's lap as my pillow and these girls refused to shut up was making me angrier then a bull who sees red.

"Ladies, please. Ami's sleeping." Sora whispered while running his hands gently through my white locks.

"Oh, Sorry." The girls whispered in unison before continuing to whisper to one another. Today, Tamaki decided to dress everyone up with a medieval theme. So obviously, the boys were dressed as knights and sadly, that left me to be the princess. Though I felt more like a bride then a princess. My dress was a long ball gown reaching all the way to the ground, completly covering the white heels I was forced to wear. The dress was made with layers of ruffles and a huge bow on the back that I wasn't a huge fan of. The white arm length gloves Tamaki forbid me from removing made everything hard to grasp and made my hands sweat uncomfortably. My hair was pulled into two tight pigtails that were giving me a horrible headache with matching mini kings crowns clipped into the band of my scrunches'. My guests had left twenty minutes ago since exams were coming up soon and they told me they were trying to do really well this year. So, I decided to take a nap since my irrability level was high and I was desperately trying not to snap at anyone today. I heard the double doors swing open and the boys all rushed to greet the guests properly.

"Well, I see you ladies are from another school." Tamaki began. "We hope we haven't startled you. We love first time guests." It was silent around the room as everyone began to pay attention to the new guests at the door. Tamaki continued with his knight in shining armor act as I attempted to tune him out and sleep.

"Oh, my. Do you really think you'd be able to protect us? That's awfully arrogant of you, wouldn't you agree?" A girl's voice snottily replied. Sora's hand froze I my hair before he gently removed me from his lap before excusing himself from the table. He must be going to check on the boys since these new guests continued to bash them. I tried desperately to ignore the situation but I have to admit these girls were making me seriously angry.

"Don't you think that's a little harsh?" Tamaki tried to reason with the girls. "Fine then. What do women like you want to hear?"

"How about maybe something like..." A new voice began. "I would never leave my lover alone. If we fight we fight together, if we fail we fail together. Even if I were to die, I promise you that I will never leave your side, my love." I groaned aloud at the morbid and cheesy speech.

"Hashtag gross." I muttered to myself.

"Benibara, we thought you would never show." Snotty girl number two spoke.

"What are we going to do with you?" Snotty girl number one sighed. "Tell us where you found this lovely young lady?"

"I found her outside the school. She may be dressed as a boy but I knew the truth! She has such pretty maidenly eyes."

"Uh...Thanks, I guess." Haruhi was obviously uncomfortable and I don't blame her. These girls are weirdoes.

"Why can't I nap in peace?" I whispered to myself. One of Sora's guest took notice of my obvious irritation as she offered me a chocolate she had made for Sora. The small piece of candy immediately caught my attention as I sat up and took the chocolate gratefully. Shooting the girl a wide smile that had her blushing.

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