The New Hosts

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A/N: LONG CHAPTER! Seriously, it's over 3,000 words. The time has come for Ami and Sora to become Hosts! *Crowd goes wild* I'm super exited so let's get this show on the road!

P.S. Sora's song and Ami's costume above! You don't really have to listen to it this time but you can if you want! :)


"Sora, I'm going to kill you!" I threatened the boy in front of me. His eyes sparkled in amusement as he chewed on his bottom lip. It was lunch break and we were about to be introduced as new Hosts. The official announcement is after school but Sora, being the impatient person he is. Decided to move our introduction up to lunch break.

"You look great, Ami! No need to be embarrassed." He reassured. I huffed in annoyance before crossing my arms across my chest defensively.

"That isn't the issue right now. The issue is that I'm dressed as some kind of pervy bunny right now." I grumbled. Soar gave a short laugh in reply before petting the space between the bunny ears.

"You look amazing, I promise. We need to get as many people in here as possible so I need you to do all the things I thought you yesterday when we rehearsed, okay?" He searched my eyes while waiting for my reply. "Besides, I'm dressed up as well." He smiled. I blushed a bit at the comment. Sora was dressed as a ringmaster. He wore a long red coat and black dress pants underneath. His top hat had cat ears sewn into the rim and his face was painted with small whiskers and an Ace of Spades card over his right eye. He had red and black hearts across his right cheek and forehead too. His hair was messy and he used red heart pins to keep his bangs out of his face. Overall, he looked amazing.

"Fine...but this plan of your better work. I don't need Kyoya knowing anymore then he already does." I agreed reluctantly. A smile lit up Sora's face as he clutched onto my hand in excitement.

"Great! Let's get into position!" He laughed cutely. He adjusted our hands so they were interlocked before pulling me out of the dressing rooms.

"Wait! Shouldn't we make sure Hana and Hibiki are ready? There was a lot they needed to do." I reminded the over excited boy as we ran down the hallways towards the cafeteria.

"I already got the okay from Hibiki! The Headmaster sent word, too. He said to "Break a leg." Sora giggled. One of his hands clutched mine tightly, dragging me behind him. While the other reached up to hold his hat in place. My heels clicked across the hallways loudly as we ran. We came to a stop in front of the cafeteria doors and I took a moment to catch my breath. "Are you ready?" Sora could barely contain the excitement in his voice. He bounced a bit on his feet as he attempted to hide his shaking hands from my view. I chuckled at his adorableness before straightening up.

"I'm ready." I confirmed. Sora shot me a smile before turning to face the door in determination.

"Well then, it's show time."


(Third Person Pov)

The Host club had received Hibiki's text about eating in the cafeteria today but they had yet to see him. They sat in the corner of the room, their lunches forgotten as they all discussed the weird text. Honey sat next to his cousin silently, moving the food in front of him around his plate with no interest. He hadn't been himself since the day Ami declared her hatred for him. As much as it pained him to admit, he was still in love with her. Making Sora's appearance only hurt him all the more. They were so close, and at one point in time Ami loved him. He wasn't sure whether she still did but it was clear that Sora's feelings for Ami never faded in the time they spent apart.

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