Heated Mansion

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A/N: Hello my lovelies! SOO The winner of the vote was ANGELS WITH GUNS, the story is now up and I can't wait for your feedback on it!  This chapter took me awhile but it was honestly because of the ending. I think I rewrote it at least three times before it was perfect and now it's finally complete! It's a tearjerker so be warned. Also, to all the Ami and Sora shippers....I apologize now. Now, before the angry mob gathers their pitchforks, on to the story! As always, feedback is hugely appreciated! I read all the comments so be sure to let me know what you think!


*Third person POV*

"Okay, I just got off the phone with Jun, he's on his way home now." Hanna sighs tiredly as she takes a seat at the dinner table. She places her ruby phone down before resting her head on her folded arms. "He's super angry."

"Why would he be angry?" Honey questioned aloud. Though he had only met the man once, he didn't seem the type to get angry over something like this.

"Think about it from his point of view-"Hibiki started. "- he's oversea on business when he suddenly gets the call that Ami's father dumped some random kid on her using blackmail as his weapon of choice, before running back to America as if his daughter was some chore he had scratched off his to-do list. TO be honest, I'm furious with the scumbag myself but I'm even angrier at myself for not being there to give the asshole a piece of my mind." Hibiki's eyes blazed with a determination the host club had never seen.

"There was nothing you could do, Hibiki." Haruhi stated while staring at the red headed boy with her own pair of determined orbs. "You were here, taking care of the mansion Ami left you in charge of. As far as she's concerned you did your job. Ami would be upset if she heard you talking like that." Hibiki sighed but said nothing, silently accepting Haruhi's words as the truth.

"What does he plan to do?" Kyoya questioned the red headed girl whose head was still resting on her arms. She looked up at him tiredly before sitting up properly while rubbing her shoulders to ease the tension there.

"Well, he wants us to take a DNA test to be sure that boy is really Ami's brother-"

"Does that really matter?" Sora interrupted the Maid. All eyes found him as he sat at the head of the table with a serious expression.

"Of course it matters!" Hibiki slammed his hand roughly on the table causing the centerpiece to bounce. Hanna calmly placed her hand on her brother's shoulder, effectively calming him down.

"What do you mean, Sora?" Tamaki was quick to ty to ease the tension accumulating in the room.

"It doesn't matter whether that boy is Ami's biological brother or not. She agreed to take care of him, nothing you can tell her about him now would make her throw him out. Besides, as far as I can tell, she's already attached to him."

"This isn't some puppy she took from the side of the road." Hanna tried to reason. "This is a boy, which she knows absolutely nothing about. For all we know he could be dangerous."

"I'm certain he is." Sora spoke quietly. The words rang throughout the room as the atmosphere went from tense to eerie.

"...explain." Kyoya said simply while adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose. Sora sighed before sitting up in his seat properly to face the group.

"Her father did tell her some things about the boy. The main being that like Ami, he was sold off as her replacement..." Sora trailed off waiting for someone to connect the pieces. Haruhi's eyes widened as she gasped suddenly.

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