It All Came Tumbling Down

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A/N: Almost 5,000 words in this chapter! (Not including this note, of course.) It came out to Nine pages on Microsoft word.  I would like to take this moment to apologize beforehand. You will all understand why soon. I can't wait to see what you guys think about this chapter. I wanna know if anyone is as emotionally invested in this story as I seem to be. Not gonna lie, I cried a little while writing this. Maybe it was because of the song I played while writing but who knows. Above is the song I played, I imagine it to be Honey and Ami's song so you should definitely give it a listen. Enjoy, and feedback is appreciated!

P.S. This chapter is Dedicated to Skeleton_Seeker. She has been reading this story since the very first chapter and she never fails to leave a comment that makes me laugh. That's why I dedicated what will be the longest chapter in the whole story, to her.  :D


"Why did I have to come with you?" Hibiki groaned dramatically. I rolled my eyes at the lazy butler.

"Because Hanna refused to come with me and forced you to come. Trust me, I'm not thrilled you're here either." I smirked. Hibiki turned to glare at me and I returned it with a bright smile. We were at Kyoya's indoor waterpark and I was lounging in one of the chairs under an umbrella. Hibiki sat across from me, his chin in his hand as he watched the Host club with uninterested eyes. I took a sip of the juice in my glass as I watched Hibiki through my sunglasses. He was always weird around the Host club but I never could figure out why. I pushed my sunglasses up onto my head before addressing the red hair boy. "Why did she force you to come?" He glanced at me through the corner of his eye before shrugging.

"Who knows? All she said was that you shouldn't go alone."

"Oh? That's weird don't you think?" I interrogated. Even though my tone was light, Hibiki could obviously sense the dangerous undertone. I avoided his gaze as I swirled my straw around the glass. The air around us suddenly became tense as he turned his head to fully face me.

"She's just being careful. You are our mistress, after all" He supplied in an even tone. I wrinkled my nose at the mistress comment but let my amber orbs meet his hard grey ones. I hummed but otherwise said nothing. Hibiki slumped his shoulders a bit in relief, sensing I had let the subject drop.

"Haru-chan! Let's play! You wanna go swimming with me in the current pool?" Honey questioned the girl. He had a pink bunny float around his waist as his signature flowers floated around his head. I took my sunglasses off before placing them onto the elephant that sat on top of the table. Even if this was a waterpark, I wasn't planning to leave Aoi-chan behind.

"Nah, I'm not planning to swim today. Hold on, you know how to swim. Do you still need that float?" Haruhi questioned. Honey looked up before shaking his head.

"Just looks cuter this way, you know?" He giggled. He struck a pose before skipping off to the current pool. I frowned a bit at the interaction.

"What's wrong?" Hibiki questioned.

"Don't you think Honey is acting different today?" I wondered. Hibiki looked at me for a moment before turning to face forward.

"You're as observant as ever." He sighed. I looked at him strangely but my attention was diverted back to Haruhi and the twins.

"He's so innocent." Hikaru and Kaoru sighed. Hibiki scoffed loudly, catching their attention.

"Really? Is that what you think?" He mocked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hikaru questioned. Hibiki stood from his seat before walking towards the group. I placed my glass down before snatching Aoi-chan up in my arm and following the temperamental idiot.

It's Bittersweet (OHSHC Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin