You Crossed The Line

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A/N: So, I got some complaints in my inbox that the last chapter was 'too long.' Which is weird because I honestly didn't think there was such a thing as a chapter that was too long. So... to fix that because I tend to be a people pleaser, I decided to split the last chapter and add some more onto the end. Let me repeat that, THERE IS NEW MATERIAL IN THIS CHAPTER. Just so I don't get anybody ranting in my inbox about being confused because they didn't read this whole chapter. As always, feedback is HUGELY appreciated and I really love to hear from you guys even if they aren't nice things. Enjoy the chapter!


I sat with my legs dangling over the cliff as I lost myself in my thoughts. The sound of light footsteps behind me caught my attention.

"Are you okay?" Ryu's curious voice traveled with the wind towards me He took a seat beside me and I shot him a smile.

"I'm fine, just...thinking." I answered. He searched my face silently before sitting up on his knees. His small hands cupped my cheeks and forced me to stare into his icy orbs.

"I see that look all the time. It's good to talk about it..." He voiced with a seriousness that was beyond his years. "You've done a lot for me and everyone else...please tell me what's bothering you." I found my eyes instantly watering and I bit my lip as I took in a shaky breath. I reached up to wrap my hands around his wrists lightly before pulling them from my face.

"It's a long story. I've never really told anyone the whole story before..." I trailed off.

"I'm eight...I have all the time in the world." Ryu smiled. I chuckled before ruffling his mess of brown hair. It was quiet as I prepared myself to tell the story.

"I guess it starts with my parents. I don't know their be honest, I don't even remember what they looked like. They used to rent me out to strangers to make some extra cash and keep me out of the house. I was beaten up and worked like a slave but they never seemed to care as long as they got paid." I chuckled dryly. Ryu stayed silent as he listened closely. "When I was five, this man came into our home. He offered my parents 10,000 yen for me. They agreed on the spot and next thing I knew, I was on a plane for Japan. "

"Where did you live before?" Ryu questioned curiously. There wasn't a hint of pity in his voice and I was grateful for that.

"America." I answered automatically. "I'm pretty sure my dad was Japanese though, which explains why I don't look like a foreigner." Ryu nodded and I took a breath before continuing. "The man who took me was kind of...evil. He wanted to use me as a pawn because I didn't really exist."

"What does that mean?" He interrupted.

"Well, I wasn't born in a hospital. My mom had me at our house and they never bothered to get me a birth certificate or anything really. On paper, I never existed. They never even named me. They just called me a...they called me a really mean name." I corrected myself. Ryu seemed to understand so I continued. "His family had disowned him and his little brother became the head of their family instead of him. He wanted revenge so he wanted to train me to beat the next potential head of that family so that I would take control but in reality, he'd be controlling everything behind the scenes. I'd just be the puppet everyone saw and he'd be pulling all the strings. His training sessions were brutal. There were days where I did nothing but practice and spar. Never stopping to eat or rest. I can't tell you how many times I couldn't move from a spot on the ground." I chuckled dryly at the memory.

"He does sound evil." Ryu commented. I nodded in agreement.

"It wasn't all bad though. Eventually, I met Sora. Sora's mom used to belong to a rich family too but she blew all of their money. She wanted to become rich again and it was discovered that I couldn't become the next head without a husband for some stupid reason. So, Sora's mom and the evil man made a deal. Sora marries me and she'd live the rich life until she died. "

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