Worthy Investment

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A/N: I did it! I promised to upload today so tah-dah!!! As always, feedback is ALWAYS appreciated. Also, check out my FUTURE STORY IDEA's book in my works. Comment/ vote for your favorite or favorites story or stories and you'll get a chapter dedicated to you in the one/ones you pick! I'm trying to decide which one to start after this story finishes. Be sure to participate! On to the story!!!


The small girl blindly felt around the basement in a panic. It was pitch black in the basement she was being kept in. Her small hands were covered in scratches and dark purple bruises from trying desperately to find an exit. In the middle of the room, sat a man with his back to the camera. He lounged back in his chair, arms crossed across his chest with ease. He said nothing, just watched as the child before him stumbled around in the darkness. Eventually, the girl's breaths grew shorter. Her exhaustion finally catching up with her. Using the wall to lean against, she slumped onto the floor.

"Are you done?" The man questioned aloud.

"Please, I just wanna go home." The girl cried. Her eyes welled up with tears as she tilted her head back to stare at the dark ceiling.

"This is your home now, Ami." The man's voice was low and calm. Yet somehow, it caused goosebumps to appear on the back of the girl's neck. Almost as if it was a warning.

"That's not my name..." The girl sniffed quietly. Her voice cracked ever so often.

"I own you now, Ami. I can name you whatever I'd like." He sneered. Ami tensed before reluctantly nodding her head. Now the tears she tried to hold back fell down her cheeks in rivers.

"Why...me..." She trailed off quietly. Her voice shook violently now as she attempted to rein in her sobbing.

"You're going to be prefect, Ami. You're going to become my perfect daughter and get me my name back. You will become Ami Haninozuka, head of the Haninozuka family. With me by your side, we'll be able to accomplish anything. You could have all the money you want. You'd never have to work again to struggle for money-"

"I don't care about money-"

"DON'T INNTERUPT ME, AMI!" His suddenly booming voice ricocheted off the walls and resounded in Ami's ears. She whimpered in fear, scooting back into the wall as much as humanly possible. The man stood from his chair before making his way over to her shaking form. "God, you're so weak...it's pitiful. I can't wait to start training you." His sinister smile was all that could be seen as she looked down at the small girl. "Well, first thing's first. Let's build up that pain tolerance!" He gleefully exclaimed. Ami's head snapped up with wide eyes but her reaction time was too slow. She wasn't able to avoid the man's attack as he quickly reached for her arm before tossing her like a rag doll into the chair he previously occupied. Ami's high pitched scream broke the hearts of the people watching through the video. Her sobs after only further the process.

"Rest up now, Ami. Tomorrow...we'll continue from where we let off." The man's small chuckle could be heard as he walked up the stairs in the far corner of the room. After walking through the door, the audible click of a heavy duty lock could be heard. Confirming that Ami wasn't going anywhere. Her small whimpers could be heard through the camera.

"Mommy, Daddy..." She whimpered out into the nothingness. "...Please, Help me. Somebody...Help me." Her sobs were the last thing heard before the video cut out. The room was silent as everyone processed the video. Hana hid her face in her brother's chest. Hibiki's set jaw gave away the anger he was trying to hide. Ryu rushed to comfort a teary eyed Lily, the video bring back memories she'd rather forget.

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