Where I Stand

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A/N: Short chapter but....The feels are REAL. I really wanted a Sora and Ami moment before Honey started with his plan so...here it is! Also, A new character is coming and I'm super excited for him! ( Yes, it's another boy. )  IF YOU HAVEN"T VOTED ON MY NEXT STORY IDEA PLEASE BE SURE TOO!! As always feedback is appreciated! I love reading your comments :)  Now, to the story!

Ami's Pov!

It's been exactly one week since the beach incident. As weird as it sounds, this week has gone by smoothly. Not one weird thing has happened, which is a miracle considering just how much trouble the Host Club is. I should be eternally grateful to the gummy bear gods for such a relaxing week but...something about the whole thing has made me tenser than usual. Even though no one says anything, I know something is bothering everyone. Even Hana and Hibiki have been acting off since we got back. Hana's been sending me off to run ridiculous errands at least once a day! Yesterday, she asked me to go to the store to buy strawberry milk from the vending machine because apparently, it's way better than any other strawberry milk from another vending machine.

"Ami?" Sora's voice brought me back to reality. I glanced down to see Sora standing directly under the branch I was currently perched on. "What are you doing?"

"I'm obviously waiting for the gummy bear gods to bless me with wings so I can fly among my unicorn brethren." I replied instantly with a straight face. Sora only raised an eyebrow before chuckling lightly.

"Only you could say that with a straight face." He smiled.

"Well, I am the chosen one." I smiled sarcastically. Sora took a seat on the grassy ground beneath me letting out a long sigh.

"Man, I'm tired."

"That's rare. You're usually a ball of limitless energy." I wrapped my legs around the branch I was sitting on before swinging down so I was face to face with Sora. The whole world becoming upside down as I hung there.

"Hana took my candy away." His voice cracked a bit in desperation. "She said I needed to be healthier." His eyes watered a bit at the memory.

"What!" I gasped dramatically. The shock causing me to loosen my legs and fall out of the tree roughly, landing straight on my head. "Ouch!" I wined. Rubbing my head to ease the pain.

"You okay-"

"That monster!" I declared loudly, completely cutting Sora off. "Don't worry, Sora! Let's go get you candy right now." I jumped up before reaching down to grip his arm and pulling him up with me.

"Couldn't you just share some of yours?" He muttered lowly. I froze in realization before blushing in embarrassment.

"Oh...yeah..." I trailed off. Shaking it off I reached into my pocket before pulling out a cherry flavored blow pop. Handing it to the blue eyed boy I watched as he unwrapped it greedily before shoving it past his lips.

"Thanks." He sighed dreamily. "I feel better now."

"Glad I could help." I smiled. It was silent for a bit before Sora began to speak again.

"So, how are things between you and Mitsukuni?" My head snapped towards the boy so fast I'm surprised it didn't break.

"Are you seriously asking me that?"

"Um...yes?" He replied uncertainly. I chuckled a bit at his cluelessness.

"No offense, but I don't think you would qualify as a person I can talk to about boys."

"I take offense to that, I thought we were friends." He jokingly put a hand over his chest feigning pain.

"Oh please, we all know it's a little more complicated to label what we are."

"Not to me." He replied. The comment caught me off guard and the once easy going atmosphere became serious as Sora's blue eyes met mine, completely trapping them. "I know I haven't really said it to you in a long time so I'm sorry for that but..." He trailed off. Taking a step towards me I unconsciously backed up a step, my back hitting the trunk of the tree we were under. Sora cage me in with his arms on either side of my head, his knee was wedged between my legs, not letting me move an inch. My breath got caught in my throat as I gazed up into his familiar orbs. They were slightly darker than usual and held nothing but determination in their depths. Sora leaned in slowly until our noses were an inch apart.

"S-Sora?" I stuttered a loud. My cheeks were hot and my eyes were wide with surprise. A slow smile painted its way across Sora's face until it was as blinding as it was the first time I met him.

"I love you, Ami." He whispered to me. My heart might as well have jumped out of my chest and sung hallelujah with how hard it began to flutter. I opened my mouth to say something but Sora's hand found its way over my mouth, silencing me. "Don't say anything. I'm not looking for a reply, I just wanted to let you know where I stand." There was a moment of silence before in nodded in understanding.

"Ami, I was wondering..." Sora and I jumped apart at Honeys voice but it was too late. He had already seen us. It was quiet as we all stared at one another. Not one of us made a move, in fact I don't think any of us even breathed until Honey made his way towards me. He grabbed my hand before shooting me a smile. "Wanna go out with me today?" He laughed cutely.

"U-um..." I trailed off glancing at a silent Sora.

"You promised to give him a chance." Sora reminded me. I pursed my lips before facing Honey's hopeful brown eyes.

"Sure, I'll go out with you." I agreed hesitantly. Honey's smile grew in size and his eyes began to sparkle.

"Great! Let's go now!" He laughed pulling me away from Sora.

"Now!? What about school?" I questioned him while being dragged towards the school gates.

"Don't worry about it! You're excused." He laughed at me adorably. I found myself blushing at his cuteness behind his back. My heart beginning to do another dance I wish it wouldn't. I glanced back quickly, catching sight of Sora with a cherry lollipop sticking out of his mouth, and a clouded expression his eyes.

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