I Needed You

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A/N:  There is A LOT of Sora and Ami in this chapter and I think you get to see a little more of their relationship here.  I'm not gonna lie, I love Honey and Ami together but...Sora and Ami are so freaking adorable and fun to write! Honey's got some serious competition, am I right?

P.S. TRUST ME WHEN I SAY LISTEN TO THE SONG WHILE READING. Oh my goodness, it's a beautiful moment and reading the moment with the music really pulls it all together. You will not be disappointed! I'll even let you know when to start the song so...be on the lookout! Pic is of Sora!


"...What!" The twins and Haruhi screeched in unison. Even the usually stoic Kyoya stood there with a dropped jaw. The sudden crash brought everyone's attention to the corner of the room. A plate lay on the ground by Mitsukuni's feet in pieces. The slice of cake laid close by, completely smooshed from the impact. Big brown eyes stared at us in disbelief and Sora's arm tightened around my shoulder at the scene.

"Y-you're lying." Mitsukuni's voice cracked a bit as he whispered out the words. The room was so silent and tense that he may as well have yelled the words. Sora kept the smile on his face as he observed the blonde boy. Even though he was smiling, his eyes were calculating as they glanced between Mitsukuni and I.

"It's not a lie but it's not exactly as bad as you're thinking." Sora answered after a moment. I turned to him in surprise only to find he was already looking at me. Our faces were two inches apart as we looked into each other's eyes, silently communicating. I pursed my lips before sighing in defeat. I raised my hand to steal the lollipop back from his mouth before popping it back into mine without a moment's hesitation. Shrugging his arm off my shoulders, I made my way back to the couch before laying down. "You're as careful as ever." Sora joked from his spot in the room. I scoffed at his comment.

"Obviously not careful enough since you're here." I muttered back. He chuckled at my response before turning to Mitsukuni.

"It was an arranged engagement. We never really had a problem with it since we both get along so well. It was never officially called off but it's not exactly something we both see as intact." He explained. Even though his posture was at ease, it was obvious that the Host Club began seeing the more serious and conniving side of Sora. Even though he never lies, he was still as secretive as me.

"So you two are childhood friends?" Haruhi questioned. Sora hummed in though before sitting himself on the floor, Indian style.

"I wouldn't say that. It's more like we both have a common goal." I had never really viewed Sora as my friend so that was true enough.

"If you aren't friends then why are you two so close?" Hikaru crossed his arms defensively. Sora turned to the twin with sparkling eyes. I cursed under my breath already knowing the answer.

"That's my cue to leave!" Hibiki turned quickly before throwing back a wave as he exited the music room. I face palmed at his antics while the others stared after him in confusion. Sora's laughter brought their attention back to the blue eyed Neko boy.

"We're so close because she was my first." The gasps that echoed around the room had me jumping up from the couch before facing the laughing boy on the floor.

"Don't say it like that! They'll get the wrong idea!" I yelled at him. He clutched his stomach as tears formed in his eyes from laughing so hard. "Explain it properly." I growled out. I glared at the boy as he wiped the tears under his eyes when his laughter began to die down.

"Fine, fine. Stop killing me with your eyes already." He waved me off. I bit into the lollipop roughly letting it crunch between my teeth as I continued to glare at him.

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