It's Settled

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A/N: Thank you to those who sent in suggestions for a name or commented on the last chapter but I ended up not using any. I know, but none of them felt...right. I tend to be very picky when it comes to my characters and names usually make or break a character for me. That being said I hope you all come to like the name I chose! I'm not sure why, but as I was thinking of this chapter last night the name popped into my head and has remained their all day. I just couldn't shake it and I took that as a sign. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think! :)


Deciding to leave school early, I made my way home with the Host club in tow. We all clamored into Kyoya's limo because his happened to be the biggest before making our way to my house. I glanced to my left at my little brother. His green eyes stared out the window as he kept a hand on the door at all times. He was tense, completely on guard and I felt my face soften significantly. I had been there, exactly where he is now when the Akiyama's first took me in. I wanted to reach out and comfort him but I knew it'd only make it worse. It wasn't long until we pulled up to my house and the small gasp and came from the boy had me smiling a bit. His eyes were in awe over the size of the house and it brought back memories from when I first saw this house.


"Okay, Ami. This is going to be your home from now on." Mr.Akiyama smiled down at my surprised face. His perfectly tailored suit and clean appearance only made me realize just how dirty and unsightly my appearance was. My nails were dirty, my hair was matted on the top of my head and my face, hands, and les were caked with dirt. The once white socks I had gotten from the doctor were now black from the three weeks I've been out on the street.

"I get to live here?" I questioned in awe as I slowly stepped out of the car. Ms.Akiyama was helped out of the car by her husband before she nodded at me while smiling.

"DO you want to go in together?" Her warm and melodic voice was comforting as she held out a hand for me. I glanced at it warily for a moment before looking at to meet her gaze. There wasn't a hint of disgust or judgement, just sincerity and...happiness. I found myself taking her hand before I could question myself further and she led me into the mansion, her husband in tow watching us with a caring smile.


"Are you excited to live here?" Honey's vice caught my attention as he questioned the young boy. Instead of answering, he only nodded after a moment before turning to stare up at the house again. Pursing my lips in thought, I walked up to the boy before stopping beside him and holding out my hand.

"Do you want to go in together?" I questioned. He froze momentarily before staring up at me. His dark green orbs met my amber ones as he searched for something. I'm not sure what he was looking for but after a moment, his small hand wrapped around mine and I smiled slightly before leading him into the mansion, the Host club trailing behind us quietly.

"Hana, Hibiki! We're Home!" Sora called out once we all walked through the front door, dropping his bag by the entrance. The sight reminded me that I had dropped my bag at school...suddenly, a slight tap on my shoulder caught my attention ad I turned to find Tamaki smiling at me while holding up my bag.

"Missing something?" He questioned jokingly. I smiled at the Host club president as he put my bag down besides Sora's. Two sets of footsteps could be heard coming from the kitchen before making their way towards us.

"Ah! Thank goodness your back! If I had to spend one more second alone with this idiot of a-" Hanna cut herself off as soon as she noticed the company we had at the door. "You didn't tell me we were going to have company, Ami." Hana stared down at me with a sweet, and completely forced smile on her face. After two months of being a maid, she's taken the position quite seriously.

"Yeah, and you didn't call me to pick you up today." Hibiki added his input from beside his sister.

"Sorry, it was kind of last minute." I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly. The boy's grip on my hand tightened slightly as he stared at the two new people in front of him.

"And who is this?" Hanna immediately took notice of the boy, smiling down at him affectionately. This only caused him to tense back up as he took a small step backward.

"It's...kind of a long story..." I started.

"Ami, why don't you show the boy around while I fill in Hana and her brother." Kyoya immediately volunteered. All eyes suddenly were on him as our eyebrows skyrocketed to our hairlines. Kyoya actually volunteered to do something...that he had nothing to gain from? It was the equivalent to the unicorn race descending from the heavens and crowning me their almighty goddess of rainbows. (A/N: This is going to be my favorite line in the whole story. I already know.)

"Um...thank you, Kyoya. That's...nice of you?" It came out more as a question then a genuine sign of appreciation but he didn't seem to mind as he nodded before ushering the Host club along with Hana and Hibiki back into the kitchen, leaving me and the now less tense boy alone. "Let's go find you a room, okay?" I questioned him happily. He stayed silent, instead choosing to tighten his grip on my hand for a moment. Taking that as an okay I led him up the stairs.

"Is there anything you like?" He looked up at me with a confused expression that had me smiling slightly. "Like, most boys your age like sports or videogames." I tried giving examples.

"I don't know." Was his simple reply.

"That's okay. How about a color? Do you have a favorite?" He shook his head no, choosing to stare below him at the plush carpet as his bare feet padded across it. "Okay, is there a color you think is pretty at least?" I tried again. The boy stopped walking causing me to come to a halt beside him.

"...your eyes...their pretty." He whispered out, refusing to meet my gaze. I felt my eyes widen as I was suddenly fighting the smile that wanted to break out on my face. I had just met this boy but somehow he easily manipulated my emotions in a way I couldn't control. It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.

"Then I think I know just the room for you." I spoke after a moment of silence. His green eyes suddenly snapped to mine as I quickly pulled him through the maze of hallways, coming to a stop at a gray door. "Ready?" I questioned the boy. He looked up at me before nodding, placing his hand on the doorknob he gave it a quick turn before pushing the door open. We were met with the sight of a room with Amber colored walls with gray and gold accents. A Full size bed sat in the middle of the room, draped with gray sheets and a dozen different pillows. The floor was carpeted and was a off white color that seemed strangely bright being the only white thing in the room. A flat screen TV was mounted across from the bed and a long dresser was underneath. There was an open window across from us that was covered with gray curtains.

"Do you like it?" I asked hesitantly as he made his way into the room before trailing his hand delicately across the bed spread. He turned to me with eyes that were suddenly a bit brighter than the last time I saw them. He nodded enthusiastically before turning back to explore his room. I smiled, choosing to lean against the door frame and watch him for a moment. My thoughts ran wild as I thought of the boy in front of me, suddenly a name popped up in my head from a book Hibiki and Hana had read me while they were attempting to teach me how to read.

"Koda..." I tested the name aloud and suddenly the boy froze, turning to face me from his spot in the room. "It means 'friend' and for some reason when I think of you, that's what comes to mind." I smiled. The boy stood frozen not moving an inch and instead stared at me with wide eyes. "If you don't like it I could think of a different one! I know it's kind of weird-"I panicked before I was cut off.

"No! I like it. I like it a lot." He smiled at me. The smile he sent me caused my stomach to tighten as I realized it was the first time he had smiled since I met him. Maybe the first time he had smiled in a while.

"Then it's settled...Koda. This is your new home."

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