More Than You Can Imagine

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A/N: IM SO FREAKING SORRY!!! I swear I was going to update sooner but I got new meds and they make me tired and then I had doctor appointments and I was behind in school. Basically my week sucked and I FINALLY found the time to update. So as an apology, this chapter was 7 pages long  on Microsoft Word and over 3000 words long! I hope this means I'm forgiven! To sweeten the deal I even added something that I don't think anyone expected...A Sora and Honey moment. I loved writing it so much! As always feedback is appreciated! Hope you enjoy the chapter!

P.S. I seriously suggest listening to the song! Its AMAZING!


           I stared out the window of the third music room with a bored expression. I skipped most of my classes today to catch up on makeup work since I had missed a lot of school due to my hospital stay. Sora skipped with me to help but we were forced to come to the host club meeting as soon as school ended. Well, more like I was forced since Sora went willingly. In fact, he practically skipped through the double doors. I avoided the boys and made a beeline for the window seat where I've been for the past twenty minutes. I tuned out Kyoya's annoyingly sinister voice as he explained the beach trip tomorrow. None of my clients would be going so I didn't understand why I was still being forced to go. Haruhi was home sick today and Hana and Hibiki were at the library studying, this basically leaves me all alone with the host club boys and it's as annoying as you would imagine it to be. I let out another long sigh, blowing my bangs away from my face. A sudden ringing from my bag caught my attention. Sora walked towards the bag on the couch before throwing me the phone. I caught it ungracefully and as he laughed at my attempt I glared angrily before answering the phone.


"Oh! Ami! Thank goodness I got ahold of you!" Mrs. Parker sighed in relief.

"Mrs. Parker? Is everything okay? Did something happen at the church?" I immediately started questioning. My boredom was forgotten as I sat straight up in my seat, racking my brain for why the pastors' wife would call me so suddenly.

"We're all fine, sweetie. It's just that we have a new child and...well, no one has been able to talk to her for a little over a week now. She was brought in from our sister orphanage in America. They said she knew Japanese but I'm really beginning to question if that's true. We are all really worried." She sighed with worry.

"I'm sorry to hear that but...I'm a little confused as to what this has to do with me..." I trailed off.

"You see, the kids have been talking about you nonstop. Ryu used the tablet you got everyone to show her some videos of you and the kids and she has been watching those videos on repeat for a while now. When we tried to talk to her again, all she did was point at the videos. I know it's a lot to ask but-"

"Say no more." I interrupted her before jumping from my spot on the window seat. I walked towards my bag before packing my things away neatly. "I'm on my way and I'll be there soon." I finished.

"Thank you so much, Ami! It means so much!"

"Please, it really isn't that big of a deal. I'll be there in twenty so see you then." I smiled before hanging up my phone and shoving it into my bag. Slinging the strap onto my shoulder I turned to find the club staring at me curiously. "I'm leaving." I informed them before making my way to the door.

"Wait! You can't just leave." Tamaki whined out. I rolled my eyes at his dramatics.

"I have somewhere I need to be." I called out behind me.

"Then, we'll come with you!" Honey's excited vice stopped me in my tracks and I turned to face the boys again.

"No." I immediately responded. Honey's face fell and Sora immediately stood from his chair.

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