Koda's First Friend

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A/N: I know it's been a while but before you kill me I can explain! Basically, I've been in the hospital this whole time recovering from surgery and while the hospital did have Wi-Fi, it was horribly slow to the point where when I tried to use it I wanted nothing more than to bang my head against a wall. Also, there was the small detail that my mom couldn't find my laptop to bring me so I've been trying to write from my phone this whole time. If you've ever tried to do that then you know how absolutely horrible it is. So, as soon as I got home I rushed to find my laptop[ and upload something so here it is! Enjoy guys and I'm sorry again!


Hana rushed around the kitchen in a frenzy. For some reason, Hibiki had decided to wake up extra early today to cook breakfast...I'm sure you can imagine how that turned out. Hana had practically exploded when she came downstairs. Her scream immediately woke everyone up and we all came running down the stairs expected some kind of robber or suspicious figure to be in our kitchen. Instead, we were greeted with the site of an idiot with a spatula. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Jun chuckled at the siblings before making his way back up the stairs, probably still tired from being overseas for so long. Koda...well, Koda was deathly silent. It wasn't unusual for him but for some reason it caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand. Hana's angry muttering as she cleaned pulled me from my thoughts, I chuckled at the girl before making my way to the dinner table. Koda trailed behind me before taking a seat next to me. Hibiki had run upstairs to change and Sora sat across from me. It was silent as we all watched Hanna fuss, she was pretty entertaining to watch. Suddenly, she stopped. Her hands froze mid-movement and she straightened her back before turning to face us with a serious expression.

"Ami, I almost forgot but the board called me last night."

"Oh?" I mumbled lowly. Those asshats were always up to something...

"They somehow found out that you were funding the church's fundraiser and they want it canceled."

"What! Why?" I immediately stood, knocking the chair back behind me in a panic.

"According to them, since you aren't the official CEO of the company, you need permission from the board to use the funds on big projects."

"That's ridiculous! That was never set as a condition until now." I practically growled. Hanna nodded in understanding.

"I agree, but that doesn't change the fact that you have to go along with this decision. Until you graduate, the board and Jun is no longer recognized as the acting CEO. "

"I don't know much about business or anything but couldn't you still do the fundraiser if you don't use the companies' money?" Sora mumbled while unwrapping a red heart shaped lollipop.

"Yeah but how could I financially back a fundraiser of this size without using any of the companies money?" I questioned.

"Speaking as the person who handles all the money in this house, it's impossible." Hana spoke up while stepping towards Sora and snatching the lollipop from his hand before he could even get a lick in. "No sweets before breakfast." She scolded lightly before flicking Sora on the forehead. Sora winced slightly before pouting cutely at the redhead.

"Such a meanie." He whispers when Hana turns her back on him.

"So what? We just completely forget about the fundraiser? The kids have worked so hard!" I fumed.

"I understand that you're angry and you have every right to be but we just can't do it without the company. " Hana reminded me.

"You could always ask the host club for he-"

"Over my dead body." I growled cutting Sora off. He chuckled lightly, completely expecting my response.

"Prideful as ever." He muttered under his breath. The glare I sent his way alerted him to the fact that I had heard him.

"It's not a bad idea to at least talk to them." Hana added her input.

"Are you kidding? I'd never live it down." I scoffed.

"If you're talking about Kyoya I could talk to him for you..." Hana trailed off. It was an immediate reaction, Sora and I both turned to watch the red haired girl with raised eyebrows.

"Oh?" Sora smirked wickedly.

"Are you saying that for whatever reason, you can get Kyoya to agree?" I mocked. Koda looked up at us for the first time, obviously interested to see how the scene plays out.

"Shut up." Hana grumbled childishly, her cheeks becoming a shade that perfectly matched her hair. "And don't say anything to Hibiki!" She warned us with a pointed finger. In sync, both Sora and I raised our hands up innocently.

"Who? Us? I don't know what you're talking about, Hanna. We're both perfect angels." Sora laughed.

"If you're angels then I'd rather go to hell." Hana huffed, causing both Sora and I to fall into a fit of laughter.

"Are you sure you want to come with me, Koda?" I questioned the boy for the fifth time. Hana went off to talk to Kyoya today and I decided it was best to skip school and go visit the church. Don't get me wrong, I'm overjoyed that Koda asked to come with me, but I'm a bit nervous that all the kids will be too much for him.

"I'm sure." Koda replied lowly. As he spoke the car came to a stop in front of the run down building. I pursed my lips, fighting the urge to ask one more time before Hibiki opened the door for me. Stepping out onto the dirt road I waited as Koda took in his surroundings quietly. The sound of laughter and crashes could be heard from the building and I would have smiled if I wasn't so busy worrying about Koda. Making my way towards the front door, Koda trailed along behind me as silent as ever. I didn't even manage to knock on the door once before it burst open hastily and a barrage of children came hurdling towards me.

"AMI!" They screamed happily, effectively tackling me to the ground.

"Hello to you to, guys." I laughed.

"We've missed you!" Lilly smiled, the gap in her front teeth still as cute as ever.

"I've missed you too." I smiled gently. The children eagerly helped me up and led me into the orphanage. Once inside, they all scattered to play around the home. The only two kids left in front of me were Lily and Ryu, both smiling happily.

"The Mr. and Mrs. are upstairs but they know you're here now." Ryu informed me as I walked through the door. I nodded before craning my neck back to check on Koda. The boy had followed me silently into the building, he kept his distance but he wasn't too far away from me. Ryu noticed my gaze as his blue orbs searched behind me only to lock onto Koda's gaze. "Who's that?" Ryu questioned. Lily soon followed Ryu's lead, her eyes zoning in on Koda as well. She seemed to freeze for a moment once she noticed Koda's hair. Her expression fell slack as she quickly shared a glance with Ryu before her usual smile fell back into place.

"This is my brother, Koda. " I introduced briefly. Lily seemed content with the answer, flashing Koda a smile before Evangeline (A/N: anyone remember this character?) called her over and she hastily ran over. Ryu on the other hand, immediately pursed his lips. Taking five steps forward, he came to a stop in front of Koda.

"My name is Ryu." The brunette boy spoke. Koda paused for a moment, a little thrown off by the simple sentence before nodding. It was silent as they observed each other until finally Ryu offered up a toothy grin. "Let's be friends, Okay?" Ryu offered Koda his hand happily. Koda stared at the boy in confusion, completely thrown off by Ryu's weird behavior.

"I don't know what a friend is..." Koda trailed off.

"That's okay!" Ryu replied without missing a beat. "I'll teach you." With those words, Ryu reached forward and grabbed hold of Koda's hand. The action surprised even me but it was Koda who actually gasped out loud. The action caused Ryu to pause and his excitement to falter a bit. "What's wrong? You don't like it?" Ryu slowly began to let go of Koda's hand but Koda quickly tightened his own hand around Ryu's, refusing to let go.

"No...it's okay." Koda answered quietly. Ryu smiled before tightening his grip as well. I smiled at the sight, suddenly feeling all the worry from five minutes ago leave my body. Koda had made his first friend and I couldn't be happier about it.

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