Give Me Some Time

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A/N: FINALLY! My Wi-Fi got turned back on! For those of you who are unaware, my family has been going through a bit of a tough time lately financially and we weren't able to pay the Wi-Fi for a bit.  That being said, we finally got it turned back on and I'm super happy!  This chapter is to make up for how long I wasn't able to update. It's EIGHT PAGES on Microsoft word and It took me ALL DAY to finish so I hope you guys enjoy! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated and I love hearing what you all have to say to so please leave a comment below telling me what you think! Seriously, you guys motivate me to write and I wouldn't have been able to continue writing this story without all of your support so thank you! I want to do another Q&A chapter so feel free to leave questions for any characters or even me down below or message them to me privately. Can't wait to hear from you guys! May the unicorn gods grace you with good food and good fortune :)


My mini break from school had to come to an end sooner or later, and with a call from Kyoya demanding I get back to Host Club activities, it ended sooner then I hoped. I rushed around my room in a frenzy, stuffing books, and pencils into my school bag as I went. A small knock caused me to freeze, I slowly craned my neck to see Koda standing hesitantly at my doorway. He's officially been here a week and he still hardly spoke. Hana and Hibiki were extremely concerned by his odd behavior but I brushed it off. Somehow, the fact that he didn't want to speak, after he'd been through the same thing I had didn't seem strange to me in the slightest.

"Did you need something, Koda?" I questioned the white haired child. He shook his head is response before entering further into my room. I raised an eyebrow the weird behavior. "Um...are you sure?" I questioned again. Koda pursed his lips, choosing to stare down at his bare feet. I bit my lip in thought, wracking my brain to figure out what he wanted to say. My hand gripped my school bag tighter and my eyes widened with realization. "Koda...could it be that you don't want me to go to school? Koda nodded in response, confirming my theory. I sighed sadly before opening my arms to the boy. He slowly made his way towards me before settling in my lap.

"Listen, Koda. I know we haven't been together very long so I won't ask you to trust me, but at the very least, I need you to understand that I've accepted responsibility for you. That means that I have no intention of ever abandoning you, okay?" Koda nodded silently, but the doubt in his eyes didn't fade a bit. I pursed my lips in disappointment before grabbing Koda's face in my hands and turning him to face me. His green orbs met my amber ones in surprise. "I'm sorry I can't take you to school with me, but what if you could go to school with Ryu and Lily?" The question caught him by surprise as his jaw dropped a bit.

"...really?" He voiced quietly, almost timidly. I smiled a bit before nodding in response.

"Yeah. The orphanage teaches all the grade school kids. I'm sure they wouldn't mind one more student. You'd be more comfortable with Ryu and Lily while I'm gone, right?" Koda violently shook his head up and down in response. "Great! Head to your room and change and I'll throw a bag together for you. When Jun picks you up today, I'll have him take you to the store to buy your own school supplies. "Koda suddenly tensed up and the briefly happy atmosphere we had created began to dim. Koda was still untrusting of many people. He had opened up to me if only a bit but as of right now, he was only somewhat comfortable around Ryu, Lily, and I.

"On second thought, if you don't mind going shopping a bit later, then I'd be happy to pick you up and we can go together. How's that sound?" Koda lip twitched into something that resembled a small smile before he scramble off my lap without a word and made his way out my room towards his own. I sighed sadly before turning to face the clock on the wall. A gasp left my lips as my small body scrambled to stand up from the ground after realizing what time it was.

It's Bittersweet (OHSHC Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα