You Pick

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A/N: READ THE AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END!! Also, Song is above! I recommend reading while listening to it. I'll let you know when!


Gripping my bag tightly, I ran around the halls wildly. The host club trailed behind me, trying to catch up with my desperate pace. As soon as we realized the boy was missing from the room, I sprinted out of the door. I don't know why but my chest ached uncomfortably. My hands shook uncontrollably and my breathing was uneven and erratic. My body was tired, all the rage from seeing my father completely left my body, leaving me exhausted. I was running on pure adrenaline and willpower.

"Wait! Ami!" Sora called out to me. I ignored him before rounding the corner. My shoes squeaked across the tiled ground harshly. He hasn't even been in my care for half an hour and I already lost him. What kind of horrible sister am I? The thought had me throwing my bag on the ground and pumping my arms to go faster.

"Where is he?" I breathed out. I barely registered the fact that as I was running through the hallways like a mad woman, all the students and teachers in class saw me run by the classroom windows. They jumped out of their seats to watch me race down the hall before turning another corner. My hair blew wildly behind me, like a cape of white silk. The heels I was wearing clacked harshly on the tile, slowing me down. Gritting my teeth, I roughly kicked them off as I ran. My stockings made my footing unsteady as I slipped when I turned another corner and ran right into a set of lockers. I winced as my shoulder came in contact with the cold metal before clenching my teeth and using the lockers to push off and propel myself forward faster. My body was hot again and the sweater I was wearing wasn't helping. Discarded the fabric quickly I pushed my body forward. I found myself pushing open the double doors that lead outside.

"Ami!" Honey's voice called from above. I stopped running, glancing up to see him waving wildly from the window in the music room. They were all open wide, the curtains flowing out with the wind.

"Do you see him?" I called out. He shook his head no and my heart only hammered harder in my chest. On impulse, I ran towards one of the taller trees in the courtyard. I began climbing the tree in a rush. Completely ignoring my heavy limbs and hands as the bark of the tree dug into the painfully. I was pushing my body past its limits and it chose that moment to punish me for it. Suddenly, my limbs locked up on me and my eyes widened. I felt my body go slack as I suddenly went falling towards the ground. I felt my small form bounce as it hit the grassy ground. My neck tinged with pain and I winced before letting out a shaky breath. Too tired to scream. Trying to force my body to work proved impossible as my limbs only twitched when I tried to move. The sound of the piano filled the air around me. I knew it was Sora's playing. Realizing his plan, I closed my eyes softly. Listening to the tune.


(Third person Pov)


The host club stared at Sora with questioning eyes as he began to play the piano. Ami had just fallen at least 20 feet from a tree and instead of freaking out as they expected...he sat at the piano and began to play. Just as Tamaki was about to comment, he was interrupted by the sound of singing.

"When the days are cold

And the cards all fold

And the saints we see

Are all made of gold." Ami had her eyes closed as she laid on the ground. Singing up into the sky.

"When your dreams all fail

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