Hibiki & Hanna

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A/N: Whoa! This is a long chapter! Hope you guys enjoy this one and as always, feel free to point out any mistakes! Picture is of Hanna and Hibiki in their butler and maid uniforms! Aren't they adorable?<3 :D

After the assembly yesterday, I went straight home. I really couldn't be bothered to attend the rest of my classes. I was up most of the night calling Jun, and some other higher ups at the company to schedule a late night video conference. I wanted to find a way to rebuild that church and ensure its protection. My determination to help the church skyrocketed when Ryu told me that they were all orphans taken in by the church and that the Pastor and his wife were raising them. It reminded me of myself in a sense, and I swore to do everything I could. By the time I was able to get a hold of everyone, it was already nine. I tried to come up with every possible solution but they kept shooting me down. Even Jun, who was usually on my side, tried to talk me out of the idea. I was completely aware that we had the funds to back the church but since there was nothing for the Akiyama Company to gain, they wouldn't allow it. Since I don't have complete control of the company until I graduate, all my decisions must be backed by a majority of the board, otherwise anything I decide will fall through. What the Akiyama's had meant to be a safety net for me, became a web that trapped me. It pissed me off to no end.

Jun refused to let me skip school today, he even called me multiple times to ensure I woke up. What he failed to realize was that I never went to sleep. I had locked myself in the library with a pile of business books in front of me. The problem? I couldn't read any of them. Honey had said he would teach me but with everything going on, we hadn't found the time. I wanted to call him desperately. He had offered to help me with any company texts or homework but was this something he wouldn't mind helping me with? Not to mention, he made it crystal clear that he didn't want anything to do with the church yesterday. I groaned before letting my head drop onto the table in front of me. I had been sitting in this hard chair for over an hour just staring at the books. I needed to think of a solution, and fast. The house phone rang

\ for what must have been the twelfth time in the last twenty minutes. Lifting myself up from the chair, I made my way across the room. The marble and gold vintage phone was heavy in my hand as I held it up to my ear.

"Yes?" I sighed.

"WHY ARE YOU NOT AT SCHOOL?" Jun wasted no time attempting to blow out my eardrums.

"I'm kind of busy right now."

"Doing what? What could possibly be so important that you can't go to school?" He fumed. It was times like these that I had a hard time remembering he was only 21.

"I'm in the library." I was met with silence on the other end. The library has been my enemy for as long as I can remember. I've always hated the fact that I couldn't read. It's been something that I've struggled with constantly. The library is the place where I can never understand anything. Ironic since it's were most people go to find answers. For me though, I just end up with more questions, and a horrible feeling of inadequacy.

"Did you learn-"Jun started only to be cut off by my stern tone.


"I see." Four beats of silence followed before he continued. "Does this have something to do with last night?" He questioned.

"I will save that church." My determined tone surprised even me for a moment.

"Why can't I just force you to go to school?" He joked. A small smile formed on my tired face before a ghost of a laugh escaped my lips.

"Because you're overseas and no one else is here." I reminded him. I expected him to laugh but...he didn't. Instead the brief happy moment came to an abrupt end.

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